Things To Do In The Present Day Life

By Donald Olson

Life is too short not to have wonderful memories and experiences. That is the plain truth. It is the ultimate reality that every human being should accept and live with. After all has been said and done, all that a person will be left with are the memories. Great memories never die. They will live with an individual forever. One should live today as if it is his last day on earth. Life has no rehearsal. There will be no do over. It is today or never. There are things to do so that to enrich the present day life.

One needs to have a bucket list. These are simply activities that a person hopes to do when he is still alive. As a matter of fact, life has not been lived to the full unless a person has had the opportunity to carry out some things. There is the need to create a nice bucket list with a high level of attention to detail.

A person who has not traveled far and wide has lived a mediocre life. There is nothing as bad as living an average life. Such a life will be of little or no use. Travel is the spice of life. A person who has not traveled all over the world has not lived his life to the maximum. Travel creates wonderful experiences.

Humans were made for travel. That is the reason why they were given legs. If people were meant to stay in one place, they could have been given roots instead of legs. One should travel to all the four corners of the world. He should go east, west, north, and south. There is a whole wide world to explore. Planet earth is expansive.

Visiting Africa should also be on the bucket list. Africa has been called the continent of many variables. That is the truth. It is the reality. Africa will never fail to amaze. It has a wide variety of flora and fauna. The African wild has the mightiest of beasts. It is where one will find the lion, the king of the wild.

Learning something new should be a regular affair. If one does not pursue new knowledge and skills, his brain will become stale and life will begin losing meaning with the progression of time. That should never be the case if one wants to live his life to the maximum. Being the constant learner needs to be the order of the day.

There are many skills that one can learn when he is still alive. One needs to learn how to play a number of music instruments. Learning the piano should be the case. An individual also needs to learn new languages. It is desirable to be fluent in at least five languages. Learning new sports will enhance the quality of life.

Life was meant to be enjoyed. There is totally no need to live a dull life. Such a life will be of little or no use. One should live each day as if it is his last day in the world. One must never be apologetic about life. After all, life is only lived once and there is no rehearsal for life.

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