Choosing From Sustainable Toothbrush Alternatives

By Kimberly Wallace

It has been noticed an increased interest in eco-friendly and degradable items, so many companies are shifting their attention towards alternatives, such as sustainable toothbrush options, bio-degradable paper bags, replacing Styrofoam cups and so on.

If you consider changing your way of life to a more sustainable one, maybe you are already thinking of changing the toothbrush you have. There are a few companies that produce them and the choice may be a bit difficult without research. The most common are the bamboo ones, but check the reviews and quality of the product, as some of the cheapest ones may get soggy or have a weird taste.

One of the questions you may ask yourself is if the bamboo toothbrush is indeed 100% compostable. Unfortunately, this is not the case with all of them, as the bristles are usually not biodegradable. The only ones that are fully compostable are the ones that use pig hair, which is not desired if you are vegan or vegetarian. In this case you may just have to settle with only the handle being compostable, which is still a big improvement from the plastic and rubber ones.

Besides bamboo, other types of eco-friendly toothbrushes would be the ones made from recycled plastic, corn or wheat straw. There are a few companies that create and sell these types, including one made from recycled yoghurt pots. When they are ready to be replaced you can send them back and they will recycle and reuse them.

You can now find even entirely recyclable packaging for them or other household items. The wrappers are made out of recycled paper, with no use of tape or any glue, or corn starch. The wrapper is decomposable within a month in a city composter, or more than a month in a household, depending on the temperature.

Some companies are also checking new ways to create the wrappers and packaging for their products, in order for them to be environmental friendly and to observe the rules in the countries they want to sell to. For example, there are tests conducted to create a new wrapper made of wood cellulose.

Besides the bamboo toothbrushes, there are some types of charcoal toothbrushes. However, it is not advisable to use them or the ones with activated charcoal in them. This is because even though they claim to remove stains and plaque and prevent bad breath, as well as cavities, there are no scientific studies to substantiate this claim. Dentist are warning against it as it may strip your teeth of their enamel.

As the environmental issues are starting to be bigger and more people are taking a stand on them and pledging for a change, we all need to focus on improving our way of life and how it affects the planet. Plastic is one of the worst as it is non-biodegradable and it is used widely. Tons of plastic are floating in our oceans and we can start changing that, as the alternatives are becoming more and more affordable.

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