Bioidentical Therapy Boise ID Has Many Benefits

By Eric Hughes

Much of what the human body does is controlled by hormones, including things such as growth patterns, sexual responses, and moods. As a person ages, their natural manufacturing of these elements begins to decrease and their body can experience a bevy of unpleasant side effects. Those who choose to undergo bioidentical therapy Boise ID experience fewer of these uncomfortable moments.

A person experiences different phases of hormonal functioning throughout their lifetime. There is an influx of production during puberty, which levels out as a person matures, and eventually begins to decrease after 40. This often results in some rather major changes in both men and women.

Both men and women have these fluctuations but the ways in which their bodies respond varies quite a bit. For instance, males experience things like deeper wrinkling, mellowed aggression, graying at the temples, hair loss, and even erectile dysfunction. Females tend to enter menopause and have to deal with challenges such as less skin elasticity, brittle nails, intimacy problems, hair pigmentation loss, and the dreaded hot flashes.

When a person is dealing with this situation, the onset is usually sudden enough to make a noticeable difference in their daily comfort levels. This is when they will consult with their personal physician to discuss their options on how to best deal with the changes they are experiencing. There are many factors that go into determining which approach is best for each individual's unique needs and lifestyle.

Prescribing a hormonal replacement medication one approach doctors take to help their patients become more comfortable with their changing circumstances. Administered either through injection or in pill form, these synthetically produced products are created to closely mimic natural hormones. Although safe and quite common, there are some negative points that make some individuals seek out alternatives of a more organic nature.

Although synthesized products are able to closely imitate that which was created by nature, it can never duplicate it. Some people have experienced some negative effects because of their body trying to reject them or the product just not being very effective at managing the situation. Innovations in science have made it possible for an alternative that produces hormones biologically identical to the ones an individual patient produces naturally.

This is a process where the biologically produced hormones of a patient are collected and replicated into a formula creating identical replacements that are incredibly effective at treating this condition. The dosages and delivery system - be it by pill, topical cream, injection, or capsule - are prescribed by a doctor and especially mixed individually by a pharmacist as needed. The majority of people find great success with this method as their body does not reject, or have adverse reactions to something it recognizes as its own.

People no longer have to suffer through the horrible discomfort of depleting hormones without hope of relief. For those who either found synthetic options ineffective, or who prefer a more natural approach, talking to their doctor about replenishing their supply with biologically identical products could be the ideal solution. There are several different delivery methods that are meant to suit the needs and preferences of practically any individual.

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