An Uncontested Divorce In Georgia Saves Lots Of Money

By Marie White

Families have always been the building blocks of healthy societies. Unfortunately the rate at which marriages are dissolved is soaring and rising year after year. Single parent families are common and society as a whole no longer frown on and shun divorced people. Scores of lawyers make a living out of dissolving marriages. This is a sad state of affairs but at least, with an uncontested divorce in Georgia couples can end their marriages in a more civilized manner.

Unfortunately, a large number of divorces are typified by acrimony, bitterness and anger. These divorces are normally contested because the partners involved refuse to communicate or compromise. Contested divorces can be extremely expensive because each party has to appoint a lawyer and the lawyers spend a lot of time on the case and when they appear in court, the cost simply escalates sky high.

Sensible couples handle their divorces in a more civilized manner. When they have already made a final decision to dissolve the marriage, there is no sense in spending a fortune on the process and in causing pain and bitterness for all concerned. They discuss the issues that need to be discussed and they reach agreement by being reasonable, by compromising and by communicating with each other.

Because a marriage is a legal bond it can only be dissolved through legal channels. There are many laws involved when a marriage is dissolved and even the most sensible couple may need some help to finalize the matter. If they hire a lawyer, they only need one that will guide them both through the process and present the final agreement to the court for endorsement. This is a much cheaper option.

Lawyers are expensive and even couples being reasonable and using only one lawyer will still have to pay a hefty fee. They do have other options, however. They can opt for the services of a counselor that has been trained in this field and that has been licensed to draw up the final agreements between divorcing couples. Their services cost only a fraction of what the legal fees will be.

All professionals, including counselors and lawyers charge for their time. Divorcing couples can therefore save even more money by consuming as little time as possible from such a professional. This can be done by drawing up a list of every decision that must be made, to discuss every item on the list and to note the decision reached by the couple. This means that the only thing the professional has to do is to draw up the final documents.

Divorces often destroy families and it is almost always the children that suffer most. This is especially true in contested cases. Sensible couples will try their best to separate in an amicable manner and they will never use the children as bargaining chips. They will make sure that the children understand that they are not the cause of the divorce.

The family unit is the cornerstone of any healthy society. Unfortunately, divorces often destroy these cornerstones and society as a whole suffers. However, if a marriage cannot be saved, then the next best thing is to dissolve it quietly and in a dignified way.

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