Man Therapy And Mens Therapist New York City

By Carol Young

When it comes to counseling, whether female or male, there are often a number of reasons an individual needs to seek out this service. When it comes to looking for a Mens Therapist New York City, men have a number of options. For, there are a number of clinics which offer programs specializing in different areas specific to men.

In some cases, men seek out counseling due to fear of commitment or intimacy issues. Whereas, erectile dysfunction can often be a motivating factor. In either case, it is important that the individual locate an individual whom can relate to the difficulty the man is going through at the time. As such, it is often important to locate a psychologist or psychotherapist specializing in this area.

Severe cases related to emotional health and well being often need a more structured program. In some cases, a program known as Man Therapy have been beneficial. For, while focusing mostly on issues related to anxiety, depression and divorce, those offering the service have a clear understanding of issues which effect men. In addition, the creators of the program use humor along with a fictional practitioner in order to service clients.

Through the use of a fictional practitioner with a unique and unusual personality, the program works to help men through some very tough times. In fact, the therapy was created by a Denver based advertising agency along with the Office of Suicide Prevention at the Colorado State of Public Health. As such, those working with the program are experienced in a number of mental health issues.

The main goal being to provide men experiencing or nearing a crisis, friends, partners and family members a place to learn about men's mental health. In addition, the program allows men to examine issues to determine the best path to treatment and recovery. After which, men can often complete the process and become a healthier and happier human being.

The fictional practitioner Dr. Mahogany is set on eliminating the assumption that therapy is unmanly. Whereas, the website ManTherapy dot org allows men and loved ones to set up virtual appointments with Dr. Mahogany. After which, visitors to the website experience online visits with the fictional doctor as often as needed. After which, individuals can navigate through the website for different resources related to mental health issues which primarily effect men.

Man Therapy was established in 2006 as part of an internship between Cactus and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Cactus was introduced to Mr. Jarrod Hindnan, who was Director of the Office of Suicide Prevention at the time. Mr. Hindnan was in the process of running an underfunded program to address issues related to suicide. As a result, Cactus agreed to provide some pro bono services so that the program could continue.

While providing this work, Cactus learned a great deal about the issue of suicide and became acquainted with the case of Carson J. Spencer, a businessman who died by suicide following a challenging experience with Bi-Polar disorder. As such, the non-profit foundation was named in honor of Mr. Spencer. Whereas, the CJSF, OSP and Cactus developed a partnership to work with men whom were at a high risk of suicide and dealing with other issues.

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