How To Make The Most Out Of Sherpa Trekking

By Betty Walker

A hiking activity involves arduous and fulfilling adventures. Campers and hikers, regardless of their gender and age, usually visit some popular landmarks like rock formations or mountains. Despite the adventure and excitement, first timers are frequently advised to have a tour guide to keep situations at bay.

Having a guide is important, especially in visiting terrains that are labeled dangerous and hard to access. This is why a Sherpa trekking Nepal tour is considered by many trekkers. In order to make every activity a blast without worrying about anything, tourist and locals are advised to know the rules and how things work. Whether you are a first timer or not, its always been a rule of thumb to have awareness on a lot of factors to prevent problems to transpire.

Bring money. Its invariably important to have cash, especially when you exhausted some supplies. Luckily, various trekking places have stores that sell basic materials you would need for your journey. Consider bringing sufficient and avoid using your bank cards since some remote locations do not have ATMs. But the best solution is to always have extra to everything.

Carry enough supplies. You might frantic about exhausting your supplies along the way, but bringing more could mean having a heavier weight to carry. Be creative in placing your items as well. Avoid timidly arranging and placing them in random areas. To conserve space and have more areas reserve for souvenirs and such, neatly fold and arrange everything in a fashionable manner.

Bring safety gears and equipment. Its a rule of thumb that trekkers, regardless of the distance to cover, should always bring safety materials. Ropes, climbing gears, first aid kit, and medicines are the common examples. Secure them in your bag, so you can easily locate them in the event of unexpected emergencies. Also, be very aware of your surrounding.

Use communication device that will let you send or receive a signal from other trekkers. There are so many gadgets nowadays that work without the need for signals. Satellite phones for instance, are very helpful in establishing communication. Then there are whistles or walkie talkie which are commonly used to send a signal or alert other people of any danger or threat that lurks nearby.

Have extra batteries ready. Since flashlights and other battery operated equipment would be brought on the journey, it makes sense to have extra battery prepared. Secure them properly. And since they are combustible, they need to be separated and sealed from fire or even water to ensure that they would work and last without dying for a couple of hours, days or weeks.

Know and determine the terrain. Being aware of the terrain gives you an advantage in case you got separated from the group or loss your way out of the forest. Study the things that you see from the weather situation, environment and the natural resources.

The most important thing of all is to observe safety. Obviously, safety is the number one concern. You should not take situations lightly or else this could result to grave problems in the long run.

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