A Homeowner's Guide to Avoiding Harmful Household Cleaning Products

By Laura Phillips

We all want to live healthier lives and to reduce the number of toxins in our homes. Harmful household cleaning products can be a major source of air pollution and may cause problems if they are absorbed through our skin. Replacing the products we use with more natural alternatives may take effort but it can be very worthwhile. Here are some tips and tricks you can use to have a more natural, toxin-free home.

There are a few ways that harmful chemicals can hurt us while we are cleaning. Some can be absorbed through the skin and enter our systems that way. Others emit fumes which we can breathe in. Some may harm our lungs and make us cough because of the fumes they put off while others may not cause coughing but may still be harmful to breathe in.

Individuals who find that they react badly from touching cleansers may want to think about wearing rubber gloves or other protective items while cleaning. This may be especially important if you have any breaks in your skin as it may allow chemicals to penetrate more easily. You should also make sure that you wash well after using any cleaning products to make sure that your skin is clear of any toxins.

Ventilation is important and can help reduce your chances of getting sick. Many people find that their eyes may water or they may cough a lot when using certain products. This can be an indication that the products you are using are putting off strong fumes that may harm your lungs if nothing else. Breathing in any cleaner is not a good idea and it is no wonder that many people choose to wear masks while doing housework.

Mixing cleaners is often a very bad idea. This can happen easily if you are pouring cleaning products from larger bottles into smaller ones. Mixing the wrong products can cause explosions, fires from chemical reactions, or the release of toxic fumes like chlorine gas. Some people have been seriously injured when they combined bathroom cleaner with toilet bowl cleaner. Clear labeling of your products is very important.

If you want to eliminate the presence of chemicals in your home or you are dealing with chemical sensitivities, you may need to do more than simply wear gloves or a mask. You may need to replace your current roster of cleansers with ones that are more natural. In the past, some chemical-free cleaners did not work as well as their more toxic counterparts but this has changed and many products are now very effective.

Many individuals are using products that they make themselves in order to clean their homes naturally. In the past, vinegar, baking soda and other natural ingredients were used to clean and sanitize homes without harmful chemicals. If you are interested in going this route, there are many websites that feature recipes you can make yourself.

Replacing toxic cleansers with natural ones may not be all you need to do in order to remove pollution from your home but it is definitely a great first step. Many of the sites that offer cleaning products also have tips and tricks that you can use to keep your home looking its best without putting your health at risk.

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