Info On Why Do I Have Tennis Elbow If I Dont Play Tennis

By Cynthia Ward

At times an individual might be experiencing severe pain especially on the outside parts of his elbow in the instances when one might be trying to straighten the arm. If an individual is actually experiencing this kind of a pain then there is a likelihood that you may be suffering from the stated condition. There exists a number of reasons on why do I have tennis elbow if I dont play tennis.

This sort of pain is basically caused by some sort of repetitive movements which strains the muscles together with the tendons around the outside parts of an individual arm. It is inconvenient and extremely painful although the condition is treatable. This kind of condition is also known as literal Epicondylitis which tends to greatly affect hand muscles, forearm and the arm.

Lateral epicondylitis also called tennis elbow is basically used in describing the swelling of the outside parts of the forearm and the elbow as well. The muscles on an individual backhand and forehand might get over used after an individual has worked with similar repetitive motion throughout. This repeated arm activity tends to cause some kind of inflammation.

Another factor which might lead to such pain is poor posture on the wrist. In the instances when the keyboard is elevated at a higher position, the muscles which extend to the wrist tends to be shortened which makes it harder for such muscles to function normally. Extended hours of working with your computer can also cause such kind of a pain.

Majority of individuals suffering from the disease usually look for the cure of such pain, the solution of the problem usually comes by combining various changes. A chartered physiotherapist will definitely discuss an individual posture especially during the working hours and give a credible advice on the techniques which an individual can use so as to reduce the pressure from elbow.

It becomes also crucial if an individual can be able to effectively access the arms strength starting from the shoulder coming down to the individuals hands while addressing any kind of strength deficits which might be present by use of widespread exercise programs. Consult a doctor whenever you start experiencing some mysterious irritations.

This kind of pain is felt when an individual is brushing his teeth, while shaking hands, opening jars, clenched fist or any time when one moves his wrist with a great force especially when carrying or lifting some things. When an individual experiences such then there is a high like hood that one has tennis elbow.

This kind of pain requires a professional treatment either from a physical therapist or from a doctor who has the ability of correcting such a problem. The main aim of the treatment is to effectively reduce the inflammation together with the pain experienced on the arm. The treatment also aims at reducing the activities which might be causing the stress to the arm.

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