Facts About Online Dating Websites For Muslims

By Laura Kelly

Through history human beings have always come together as couples. Different traditions had different ways of finding wives for themselves or their children. Kings and princes were known to hold parades where they would chose wives. In some cultures, women would fight to compete for a husband. In some cultures, the family and in most cases the parents were tasked with finding a wife for their sons. This was usually carried out through a sequence of competitions like traditional dances. Here are general facts on online dating websites for Muslims.

Women are forbidden from looking for husbands as dictated by most religions around the world. Society finds offence in a woman asking a man out as it expects the opposite to be happening. Religion practiced in India demands that a woman lists down the qualities of a man they would be interested in. The list is then handed over to their parents who in turn have to find a man with those qualities for their daughter. Once potential husbands have been identified their pictures are taken to the girl to choose the would be husband.

Great changes are being witnessed today due to westernization and technology. This has led to some isolated cases where Indian women marry husbands of their choice. Technology has also made it possible for them to date before marriage something that was not possible before. Previously they used to marry total strangers. Another thing is that when attracted to a man they can ask them out.

Nowadays parents do not have the influence over marriage and dating like before. Absence of their involvement in these arrangements could be the source of the problems seen. Cases of relationships not ending in marriage are rampant. Lack of involvement of parents means that the parties involved do not respect each other enough. This is what contributes to suicide, depression, divorce, heartbreaks and relationships not ending up in marriage.

Online dating is one of platforms that developed due to advanced technology. It was a platform meant for women and men to meet online and socialize, develop relationships that could possibly lead to marriage. A typical site is like a chat room which contains people of different backgrounds, sizes ages among others all looking for partners either life partners or just dating ones.

Dating sites have increased in number and research shows that over 40 million people have signed up fo an account over the past few years. People have various reasons as to why they use online dating such as being simply shy. People with low self-esteem due to their appearance often fear going out and interacting and as such, opt for online dating. Such type of paper start be dating online before having the courage to finally meet with the other person.

This platform has also been adopted as a way of stress relief where people feel good talking to other people they know absolutely nothing about their life or whereabouts. They always seek help and advice from the other person. This has enabled such people to find life partners and even help those thinking of suicide not to do so.

The danger of meeting sociopaths like murderers and rapists online is real. Users of such sites are advised against trusting strangers as bad people may pose as good partners. When scheduling a first meeting with a stranger due caution must be taken. The meeting must take place in public places.

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