What To Expect From Altoona Hospice And Palliative Care

By Gannon G. Hollick

When a loved one becomes ill and needs assistance, it can be very taxing on the family. If everyone works, there might be nobody home to take care of the sick person. In some cases, the help they need is so involved that only medical professionals are really qualified to do it. In these cases, an Altoona hospice and palliative care center can help you by taking care of the sick person while also providing other much-needed services.

Though hospices and palliative care centers are sometimes combined, they are two different kinds of programs. Hospices are generally for someone who has a life-ending illness, so the focus is one making them comfortable rather than treatment. They may still get medications and treatments, but they are in the service of making them feel better.

On the other hand, palliative care is given to anyone who needs it, but the condition it is helping is not necessarily life threatening. It could be a life altering condition though, which is why doctors and nursing staff are usually needed. Some patients are only temporary in this kind of facility, and could go home if their doctor allows it. They may be in and out of the program as needed, depending on what disease they have.

In both cases, the focus is on the patient's needs to make the transition from either home or hospital as easy as possible. This comfort may be provided in the form of pain medications as prescribed by a doctor, but other alternatives may be used. Some people request spiritual guides such as priests or pastors, while others seek psychological help from a therapist.

When it comes to admitting someone you love to a center, the emotional toll can be exhausting and even overwhelming. These emotions need to be dealt with before they get worse, which is why many centers also offer family members therapy sessions on either an individual or group basis. The group sessions may also be open to the public as a support group.

This type of specialized care can also be extended to patients with conditions like Alzheimer's or dementia, which requires a whole new set of skills. In fact, many places offer a separate wing or ward just for these cases, so if this is what your family member has, then rest assured they will be well cared for at all times.

Depending on the situation, many insurance companies will cover at least part of the facility costs, provided a doctor recommended it. In some cases, palliative care is done in a hospital, so the cost is automatically absorbed as part of the hospital stay. Talk to your plan administrator if you have any questions about what is or is not covered.

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