FIV & Feline Care, With Assisi Animal Health

By Michael Robert Peterson

Some diseases seem to be more common in cats than others. One of the most common - and Assisi Animal Health can say the same - is known as feline immunodeficiency virus. Simply put, FIV is one of the most common illnesses that can impact felines, regardless of how old they are or what breed they're classified as. However, for those who are curious to learn more about this condition and why it's so serious, here are a few key points to make note of.

Feline immunodeficiency virus, or FIV, directly affects a cat's immune system. A cat's health might seem normal early on, as nothing out of the ordinary is seen. However, as time goes on, that particular feline will find it difficult to fend off various illnesses, no matter how mundane the might seem. This is where medical care will be required, which can be done through companies like Assisi Animal Health. Of course, there are other details associated with FIV.

The main way in which FIV is transferred is through bite wounds. Keep in mind that this disease does not survive outside of the body for very long, meaning that it must have a strong blood source to survive. If you are concerned about your cats playing together, since biting is generally common amongst these creatures, know that gentle actions will not result in breakage of the skin. Nonetheless, if you feel like your pet is at risk, there are certain methods you should carry out.

If you'd like to know how to keep your cat from contracting FIV, make sure that he or she remains indoors. Your pet will generally be an indoor animal - this is especially true for felines - so their risk of falling ill to said disease will fall from there. It's also worth consulting your veterinarian, if you're still worried about FIV. Even though vaccinations exist, in this respect, you should get in touch with a specialist before taking the necessary steps.

The fact that FIV is so common in cats is nothing short of unfortunate, especially for pet owners who adore these creatures. However, you should know that you are not without help, since Assisi Animal Health and veterinary experts alike can prove to be most helpful. It's just a matter of understanding the best methods for certain pets. Once you have the right information, you can rest easy knowing that your cat's quality of life will be improved.

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