Keep Safe & Keep Vaping With Wholesale Electronic Cigarettes

By Billy Genthner

Every year, vaping continues to gain in popularity and every year, there are articles out there discussing the so-called dangers of using wholesale e-cigs. One of the most recent concerns that has hit the internet is the supposed potential for a wholesale e-cig to explode. If you are concerned about e-cigs and safety, we can offer you some helpful safety tips and some information to ease your worries.

Statistically speaking, the numbers pretty much speak for themselves. While it is estimated that there could be as many as four million people vaping in the United States alone, the number of reported incidents of injuries, fires and explosions due to wholesale electronic cigarettes stands at less than 30. In addition, it is important to note that the majority of these incidents involve the incorrect use of either the wholesale e-cig battery or the charger. The vapers in question seem to be disregarding the instructions provided by the manufacturer in these cases.

Wholesale e-cigs use lithium ion batteries and while these batteries are extremely safe, it is important that you follow a few important tips. For instance, always use the correct charging equipment and never use damaged batteries. If your charging equipment or batteries break, it's important that you head to your favorite vape shop and replace the equipment. Don't try to substitute with a different charger meant for a different brand of e-cig or perhaps something else, such as a cellular phone.

When you plug a mobile phone into the charger, you probably don't give it a second thought if you leave it plugged in overnight. Wholesale electronic cigarettes are different. You need to unplug a wholesale e-cig once it has reached a full charge. Charging for too long can damage the battery, and while the risk of problems might be low, it's wise to follow manufacturer charging guidelines every time you charge.

When you purchase wholesale e-liquids and wholesale electronic cigarettes, you probably will find them to be less expensive than smoking tobacco cigarettes. However, when you begin vaping, you will need a starter kit. Be sure to buy a high quality vaping kit and do a bit of research to identify the best brands available. There are plenty of vaping blogs and websites out there offering helpful suggestions. Better equipment not only translates to a better vaping experience, quality wholesale e-cigs typically have fewer battery-related issues. It's also wise to clean your vaping equipment according your manufacturer's directions.

Of course, it behooves us to state that there are plenty of ways in which vaping is far safer than smoking regular cigarettes. While there have been 30 or fewer fire-related wholesale e-cig incidents, there are hundreds of fires caused by traditional cigarettes each year, and many of these incidents have resulted in the deaths of the smoker and perhaps his or her loved ones. In addition, wholesale e-cigs don't contain the thousands of dangerous toxins found in tobacco cigarettes and they don't produce second-hand smoke.

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