Things To Look Out For In A Muslim Marriage

By Walter Olson

There is a lot that usually takes place during a union such as this. The most important part however is the signing of a marriage certificate which legalizes the union. During the entire process, a man is supposed to be put in a separate location until after the reception is over. Most of these are not carried out in the mosques as many people would presume. Below is information on Muslim marriage.

In this religion, polygamy is allowed. The prophet allows men to marry the woman that they please, but this should not exceed four. The only requirement is that these men should be able to take care of all of them. This tradition is however being slowly wiped away due to civilization.

One of the main disadvantages of this type of marriage is that the partner gets selected for the couple. This means that they do not have the privilege to spend the rest of their lives with someone they like. Partners are chosen based on their level of education and their social class.

The Islamic law usually allows a Muslim man to marry a person of another faith, say a Christian. This freedom is not extended to the women as they usually are not allowed to get married by a Christian man. The Christian brides supposed to be a strong person in religion and should not be one who was previously a Muslim.

As a part of having a successful marriage, the couple is advised to work on their physical appearance. Just that they are married does not mean that one cannot be attracted to other people who look better. Hygiene and good grooming must be taken into deep consideration so that they may keep the fire burning.

During preparation for marriage, the couples are taught that divorce is not prohibited. This should be the last step that is taken after all forms of reconciliation have failed to work. After this, they usually are then allowed to get married a maximum of two more times. If all this does not work for them in the long run, getting involved in a fourth marriage is not allowed.

In order for marriages to last, it is important for husbands to be fully aware of how they are supposed to treat their significant other. It is good for them to compliment their wives when they do a good job. This helps foster love between the two. On the other hand, it is important for them to find the best means of dealing with their wives when they do wrong without having to include domestic violence.

To sum up the above information, its important for the newlyweds to know that just like any other type of marriage across the world, it is not an easy affair. A person is supposed to give it their all and have lot of patients while at it. Each party is also required to give respect to one other so that they can work n the long run.

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