Rose Quartz A Gift Of Love And Healing

By Frank Bailey

When searching for the perfect present for anniversaries, birthdays, Valentines or simply to express your feelings of love, it can be tough to locate the ideal item. Traditional candies or a bouquet of flowers last just a few days. A cuddly toy can appear twee or childish. Something which is created from rose quartz lasts forever and speaks volumes.

Quartz is readily found in many areas on the earth and as a result small items made from this semi-precious stone can be very cheap to buy. Larger items require bigger pieces of the raw stone and therefore can be pricey, particularly if a lot of work has gone into carving or shaping the object. Skilled craftsmen make bowls, obelisks and many other beautiful creations and the beauty is well worth the cost. Whatever your budget you can always find something really lovely made from this stone.

The color of the stone can vary from a rosy red to a very pale pink. This is dues to trace amounts of metals in the crystal such as iron or titanium. A very rare form contains phosphate or aluminum to give it the delicate pink hue. The structure of this crystal is sensitive to light and can fade over time making the range of colors immense.

For people who are born under the signs of Libra or Taurus, this semi-precious stone is considered to be your birthstone. This makes it a great present for someone with their birthday falling from mid September to mid October or mid April until mid May. It has associations with caring. Trust romance and unconditional love. This little gem says everything you would want to your loved one.

Many people believe that crystals have healing powers and this stone is thought to have many healing properties. It is thought to bring balance to the whole body, especially the heart and circulation. It is also believed that it can aid with chest and kidney problems as well as aiding in the alleviation of vertigo.

These vibrations of balance, well-being and caring are also believed to aid fertility. There is also a belief that the crystal can be of benefit during pregnancy and prevent miscarriage. The associations with calmness and relaxation could be the reason for this as when mother is relaxed then so is her fetus.

Whether you are inclined to believe that a stone can heal, or simply like the pretty color, an item made from this crystal can be a beautiful addition to any home. Jewelry made from this semi-precious stone is often delicate and ideally suited to younger girls to reflect their natural beauty. Bangles, bracelets, necklaces or earrings never seem gaudy when made from this naturally delicate gem.

You can normally find an abundance of items in local department stores or jewelry stores made from this pretty stone. There are also shops which specialize in healing crystals who will stock larger items. These shops will also be able to give you more advice and information about any powers associated with the various minerals and semi-precious stones. If you are having trouble finding exactly the right present for your loved one then searching the web for online retailers should give you a wide choice of items at a price to suit your pocketbook.

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