The Unique Challenge That Faces Dreamers

By Evan Sanders

There's a unique challenge that faces dreamers.

What makes dreamers and people who pursue their goals unique is that they tend to go against the grain. Going the route of being popular seems to be all too shallow for them. They head in a direction where no trail has been created and see something that no-one else has made yet. While taking risks is challenging in it's natural right, it is even more difficult for the reason that dreamers also need to face the feedback of those who do not share their same zeal for the things that haven't been made yet.

Dreamers face a decision: slow down to the pace of those people who aren't walking at their speed or to venture on and let people catch up later down the line.

There is another unique challenge that dreamers face. Every single time someone in this world tries to bring something new and unique into it society tries to rip them apart as best as they can. They rip an tear at those who see something different and will do anything to try to bring them down.

There is one fundamental question that arises for those who are seeking to change the world, "Do I continue on the path I am on despite all of this negative criticism or do I decide to fall back into the ranks of mediocrity?"

In truth, these dreamers can only realistically make one decision.

They must move forward because they can. They know that if they want to truly change the world for the better that they have to get in action and try things that they have never done before. Of course doubt, insecurity, fear and worry are going to constantly pop up in their minds, but they have to continue walking through them. If they can battle through these fears, that will certainly make the change they've wished for.

The criticism will come, naturally, but that is just part of the game.

So keep moving ahead. Keep paving paths that do not exist yet. The world will hate you now, but thank you later.

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