The Common Pool Supplies Oklahoma City

By Della Monroe

Maintenance of a pool involves much more than just addition of chlorine and other cleaning agents. Appropriate amounts of pool additives and cleaning agents are essentials for crystal clear and clean water. Pool supplies Oklahoma City are meant to regulate the alkalinity and pH level of the water to inhibit growth of microorganisms.

Chlorine is used mainly to sanitize the water. Jacuzzi maintenance also requires this chemical. This is the best compound to do away with bacteria and any other harmful microbes present in the water. It gets inside the cell wall of these microbes causing destruction of its cell components. Besides these purposes, the agent is also used in bleaching laundry and removing stains.

Once chlorines is added into water, it breaks down to give two compounds which give it disinfecting powers. These are hypochlorite ions and also hypochlorous acid. They target enzymes and cell components which keep the microorganisms functional. The resulting environment is not favorable for germs. However, it is very safe for human beings.

Chlorine can be very harmful when used inappropriately. If used in high amounts, it irritates the skin and also the eyes. In the event that it is inhaled, it results to breathing difficulties due to the resulting irritation to the respiratory system. To make sure that this ordeal does not happen, you should make sure the amount added is safe and balanced. You can make use of the locally available testing strips to measure the pH levels. They should not be higher than 7.8 or less than 7.2.

Another commonly used pool supply is bromine. It does not have much difference from chlorine. It is meant for use in water purification. Apart from this, it decontaminates the water and does away with debris. You can either use bromine sticks or its granules. The sticks are attached to skimmers, chemical feeders or floaters. The granules are just sprinkled into the pool but once in water they dissolve and start fighting bacteria.

Bromine is the recommended supply for use by those who have developed chlorine sensitivity. There is no big difference from the way these to chemicals act. However, bromine is preferred because it does not cause irritation witnessed commonly with the use of chlorine.

Soda ash or baking soda are the best supplies to use in adjustment of swimming pool water alkalinity. They are common kitchen supplies. Baking soda is used when there is a need to increase the total alkaline levels of water while soda ash is used in raising the pH level. These are products which are readily available in the market and it is not difficult to get them.

Be on the lookout for the pH and the alkaline levels of pool water. It is dire that they be kept at constant always for proper pool maintenance. If the alkalinity is on the lower side, the pH can go to the extremes. The demerit of this is that the pools get stains, metals corrode and the chlorine becomes inefficient. High alkalinity makes the swimming pool vulnerable to filter clogs, reduced water circulation and cloudiness.

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