Midlothian Back Pain Relief Done Naturally Through Chiropractic Therapy

By Princess Allice

Of the more than twenty-two million people who turn to chiropractic care on an annual basis, over a third complain of having back pain. It may be caused by repetitious heavy lifting at work, a sports injury or a high speed automobile crash on the highway. However, regardless of what caused it, a leading Midlothian Chiropractor can provide care to alleviate that pain.

You will be asked to relate all the details during your first appointment. After a medical history is compiled, the next step is a thorough examination. Included are range-of-motion tests, reflex tests and an x-ray. It is not until a thorough evaluation is completed that a plan can be made for your care.

You may hear the chiropractic term subluxation. It simply means the small vertebrae that make up your spinal column are misaligned. This is a common result of a car crash. These bones can press against the spinal nerves which results in moderate to excruciating pain.

Spinal adjustments may be scheduled to relieve the pressure. As the pressure is reduced, the pain is alleviated. No specific number of adjustments are required. It depends on how quickly each person responds. Each individual is rehabilitated at his own rate depending on factors such as age and health prior to the pain.

In many cases there is muscular stiffness and discomfort. Massage may be incorporated into the care plan to relax those muscles in the back and neck. Your chiropractor is a source of professional information on good nutrition and exercise as well.

Pain is always an indication that something is wrong. It is not a good idea to ignore it hoping it will go away. It is always to your advantage to have an evaluation of the cause and how it can be relieved. A chiropractor can do this assessment and advise you on whether you are a good candidate for spinal adjustments or not. There is no reason to continue to suffer when there is a valid way to alleviate your pain.

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