The Only Moment You Truly Have Is Right Now

By Evan Sanders

Sometimes life can feel like you're stuck in concrete.

Our past can seem like an inescapable cage that weighs down on us every single day. Constantly we are reminded of prior pain, mistakes we have made, people we have lost, and the list of transgressions goes on and on.

The biggest danger of an upsetting past is when you allow it to define who you are in this moment and who you will become in the future. When this happens, you have birthed a creature that can truly define the rest of your life.

So what can you do to move on from your past?

The one thing you can do that starts the healing process is decide to clean everything up. Clean up the fights you've had with others, the broken relationships, the mistakes you've made, the failures you are responsible for and everything else that has a negative touch to it. Clean it all up. While it's not easy to do this, being able to lay past events to rest is one of the most important factors in being able to live in the present moment.

While repairing the past is great, it gives you access to something even greater - being truly present today. The only chance you have at living a full life is by living in the moment today. You can't go back to the past. Equally, you can't go into the future. You must be living right here and right now, no matter what.

While it's hard to do this, the journey into the past to repair everything is worth it. It makes you a strong person to be able to admit your mistakes and defeats and take ownership for them. It makes you something greater than you've ever been before.

Come back to this moment. Move on from the past. Give yourself the opportunity to connect with how amazing this life is right now and don't be afraid to truly live.

This moment is all you have.

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