If You're Going To Grow, Grow For Yourself

By Evan Sanders

When we let go of who we think we need to be, we give ourselves the opportunity to become the person we've always could have been.

The society we have grown up in has taught us this story that we should be much more than we are comfortable in being.

Our world has us believing that we have to live up to standards that actually can't be lived up to. The perfect body, relationship, look, hair, lifestyle and everything else you could possibly imagine. These things that we are fed are constantly telling us that we aren't good enough and that we have to purchase this or that to become something better. The truth is, you have these incredible gifts that if you unlocked them you could amaze the world. But the first thing you have to do is take off the mask you've been wearing your entire life.

It's a hell of a lot easier to be who you are instead of always trying to be someone else.

Now, this isn't to say that personal development is a bad thing. In fact, it's a wonderful thing. But if you are going to go down that road make sure you are doing it for yourself. Don't do it for anyone else or to impress anyone, just do it for you. Do it because it makes you happy. Do it because you see more for yourself.

When you begin developing for people or because someone just told you to do it, you don't actually end up believing in what you're doing. Unfortunately, development becomes something that you cross off a list instead of a lifetime journey. Even worse, you may end up resenting the person you are doing it for.

Be appreciative for what you have in your life and who is currently surrounding you. Then, if you want something different for yourself, then dive into a journey that could help you create something magnificent. But do it for yourself. Do it to make yourself proud. Do it so you can love yourself just that much more.

Because in the end, if we stay true to who we are and really went for it, what could we not achieve?

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