Stop Hunting For Your Other Half. Instead, Try This...

By Evan Sanders

Stop searching for your other half.


This is probably the complete opposite of what you have been taught throughout your entire life, but take a second to hear me out. When you are desperately searching for your other half, you are implying that you aren't a complete and whole person in the first place. If our true happiness lives in seeing our lives and dreams fulfilled, then why are we setting ourselves up for failure by suggesting that we are always going to be incomplete until someone else arrives into our life?

Instead of looking for your "other half" look for a teammate.

Look for someone who can be your support system, who wants you to be better for yourself, who will improve upon themselves daily, who will be there for you when your life starts to get rocky and who will come to you for love and support. If you look for someone who will be your partner in crime, not your missing piece, you will develop a much stronger relationship.

So stop your search.

If there's any guarantee in life, it's that things vanish as quick as they arrive. Even the amazing relationships that stand the test of time finally end and you need to go on living your life. The person who is going to be there for you for some considerable time would also wish that you would not be damaged to pieces when they are gone. Of course it's going to hurt, but they would want you to continue living in the way that you were when they were around. So be a whole person who can love another completely. Be the best version you may be for yourself and let another to dream with you on how to change the world.

When we spend our lives chasing our dreams, working on ourselves, and loving other people fearlessly without any worry or doubt we can live our best life. However, when we see ourselves as incomplete and deficient in some way we undermine our own belief system and struggle to show up in this world as confident men and women.

Find the person who will be your teammate. When you find that person, who is whole and complete, you will never worry about anyone lacking anything.

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