Six Important Tips A Ski Photographer Should Learn

By Ryan Scott

There are certainly plenty of essential aspects that should be considered when you go up the mountains to have a ski photo shoot. The activity definitely has its risks and consequences which is why preparation is the key to success. If you do not take into consideration your safety and protection you might have a harder time grappling with the condition in the backcountry.

Planning a shoot definitely requires intense preparation so that there will be no problems and conflicts that would affect the activity once you head out and deal with the proper way to achieve a successful event. The perfect solution for that is to be educated in the field to be the best ski photographer Alberta which requires training to deliver the work well when you cover assignments. The article below lists down some important tips that you can use.

Check Weather. The first thing you have to do is check the weather reports and bulleting to know what to expect for the whole day. It is definitely not worth risking your life to be trapped in a blizzard with nowhere to go just to capture an image. There are still plenty of time for that but you must not compromise your safety and well being without looking into the news.

Pick Location. The next step you need to do is scout out the location in advance so you can map your positions readily on the day of your shoot. This will save you the time and trouble in deciding the best angles and views to take when you get there. You have to set everything way before to make it easier and more convenient for the photographers and athletes as well.

Pack safety Gears. One helpful tip you need to remember is the important of your safety pack because if everything else fails you have something to grab on for survival. Your clothes should be well chosen not for fashion but for the weather because the temperature could go way down. It is also important to think about the different conditions you can expect up there.

Choose Cam Equipment. Another essential factor that you must think about other than packing your safety gears is to sort through your camera equipment. This definitely plays a great role because without good lens and related gears for the perfect shot. Remember that this is a matter of control and decision on whether to sacrifice the condition of your lens in such weather.

Communicate Properly. One helpful tip you should also consider is to provide a line of communication between you and the skiers. You will not be able to get that picture if you do not have a clear sense of talk with the athletes because this is an important aspect. You could get walkie talkies and interact with them properly when you are giving instructions.

Always Save. Most importantly, you should also cover your files and store them properly to prevent any complications. There would definitely be times where you cannot guarantee your storage device to last for a long time because of some aspects. Make sure to get them backed up all the time.

Being a photographer is really challenging and exciting because of the experience you will get to enjoy. However, it also demands real talent and ability. You have to show your real passion in the craft to survive.

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