Affordable Methods For Head Lice Removal Washington DC

By Kenneth Kennedy

People living in dirty and dusty areas are more predisposed to lice than any other areas. Also, these insects have no specific class of people that they infest on and can get into your head by sitting close and sharing clothes with people who have them in their clothing. These insects bring shame at any moment because after every bite you must scratch that particular part. Therefore, it is vital that you learn different natural ways of head lice removal Washington DC to be safe from this shame.

There are no effective medicines that can be found over the counter in a shop or a pharmaceutical outlet that can outshine the natural practices of removing lice in any part of your body. These natural remedies are affordable, and they are locally available in the farms and markets. However, you need to be informed on how to use them, and this shall be discussed in this article.

Lice cannot be removed by picking them one by one and use of naturally treatments is easier for anybody. Vinegar is acidic in nature, and if mixed with warm water it can stop this nuisance. Wash the head with this mixture and rinse it about half an hour later. Cover the scalp with any material that will deny access to oxygen into the scalp which will help in killing them faster.

Mayonnaise has been proved to be a natural method of controlling lice. Apply it to your hair and cover it with a shower cap for about two hours. The mayonnaise has a thick texture, and this chokes up these harmful insects leaving them for dead because of lack of oxygen. Clean the scalp with shampoo to rinse off the mayonnaise.

Coconuts are sold all over the markets and are used in different cooking purposes and hair maintenance. Find camphor and heat it together with three spoons of coconut cooking oil for few minutes until it is diluted. Take the mixture and massage the scalp with it. Put on a shower and let it stay in your head for six hours. Keep repeating the procedure for three days and after that this insects will be history in your body.

When carrying out a natural treatment, you will have to use all the materials that can arrest the lice. Mayonnaise has been for years used to increase the taste of salads, and this also works for these insects. Apply a sizable amount of it in your head and the hair and use a plastic cup to cover the head. This will stick the lice on the head and can be removed by washing the scalp with hot soapy water.

The last and effective option is a mixture of water and vinegar. Apart from being a preservative and a sweetener, vinegar has a high content of acid, and no insect can bear to live in such an environment. These tear them apart and can be a useful method of removing insects in your body.

A lice free head and body cannot remain so for long if hygienic measures are not taken care of. Considering that these insects prevail in dirty environments, ensure that the combs are sterilized and should be shared with non-family members. Clean your clothes with detergents regularly to kill the remaining or the infesting insects.

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