Cultural Tours And What They Provide Guests

By Pamela Kelly

The people of a nation nicknamed the Land of the Thunder Dragon have taken a new view of nationhood today. It is not about pride of place or being stronger and richer than its neighbors, nor being culturally important. It is about a concept that has been newly enshrined in their constitution in 2008.

It is a concept where the law is made for helping folks pursue happiness as a quantified national output instead of GDP. Cultural tours in Bhutan are enhanced through it, while the national tradition has provided this, too, something visitors here go for. The country has a unique location, culture and history founded on high Buddhist principles.

The country is a landlocked one, and lies entirely on the Himalayan mountain range. There are broad forests here, and often cold weather, all conducive to meditation and the creation of breathtaking views. While the country is still developing, the principle of GNH is very much a thing that creates great ambience for visitors.

The nation is enlightened, and it follows Buddhist traditions to the letter. These are things present at the founding of this nation and made it peacable, and even if its remoteness can be a factor, this specific religion has deep influence in this place. The concept of being happy is relevant here, a moving principle that is deeply influential.

They have not been part of cultural, political or physical wars, and even a border dispute with China is inactive by virtue of cultural momentum. The people have continued on their merry way, giving no offense to other nations. India is also a neighbor, and has the longest shared border with it.

Most people here are farmers, and some are semi nomadic, shepherds or wood gatherers. But then, these people roam the inside of their borders and know everyone else, naturally. The entire nation is like one big happy family across the entire country, and the sense of fraternity here is very common, and squarely belongs to their unique notions of being happy.

Cultural tours to this nation can either be offered by travel agencies or national exchanges. There are also specific tours for educational purposes, and this is no longer a remote location because it has good facilities for aircraft. This might be Yeti country, but people can search for it with enough comfort and supplies.

People can trek through the refreshing landscape here, scenic, filled with momentous passes, but these have all been checked so that they will not cause accidents for those new to the terrain. The laws protect nature here, and conservation is one thing that is really practiced. Wood is a primary fuel source, but the people use it efficiently, and do not pass over to degrading the environment.

Mostly, this has something to do with the wisdom that has been handed down through the many types of government that have been operating here. Mostly, it has been ruled by kings, and today it is a constitutional monarchy. There have not been too much internal strife here, and mostly peace and happiness reign over the land.

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