Implementation Of Ozone Food Safety

By Daniel Schmidt

As we all know, the earth is protected from the radiation of the sun by ozone. This is a gas containing three atoms of oxygen. Ozone Food Safety is therefore a strong disinfectant and also an oxidizing agent. Its use in the food technology has been embraced so as to increase yield thus increasing profit for firms and also make the produce safe for consumption. Some of the attributes of produce treated with this agent have a longer shelf life better taste and an attractive look.

There is no doubt that its way of enhancing security for consumed products. Its operation is vigorous and effective in eliminating the microorganisms that cause diseases. These microbes are destroyed and not a chance can they become resistant to it since its not a poison for their destruction. The decomposing process cannot be evaded. Different ways in which its applied is as discussed below.

Fruits and vegetables are needed fresh. Soon after picking them, they may acquire germs during storage. This may result to decay and lowering the yield profits. Treatment with this agent is therefore a means to prevent rotting. They prevent action of ethylene and slows down ripening. Freshness is also enhanced and therefore they can be stored for longer periods. The taste is not distorted as it would be when chemicals were used and after infiltration, its possible to reuse the water.

Fish are highly perishable. They produce an odor after sometime when not preserved properly. The preservation method commonly utilized due to technology is refrigeration. In cold storage this gas is introduced in the air in this storage facilities. It retards the growth of microorganisms ensuring that the fish is maintained as fresh as possible. No odor is observed for quite the desirable period.

Wine industry also has employed the use of this gas. Its used to clean barrels, storage tanks and bottle lines. Since fermentation is the main production process, the equipment is prone to growth of pathogens. They are therefore eliminated in a secure way from causing any harmful effect. When such measures are used, the company remains competitive by ensuring the quality is in control and they are confident of this beverage they offer.

In grain processing, tempering is carried out. This is to ensure adequate hardening before milling commences. Treatment with this agent has been found to decrease mold and yeast that may be present the surfaces. Consequently, this has also increased the storage capacity of the flour products. The taste and other properties remain unaltered.

Water for drinking should be free from contaminants. Majorly, chlorine chemical has been used in the treatment and it has been found to have side effects when excess of it is used. One of its impacts is making water bitter when its quantity is more. This makes the water not attractive for drinking. Using this tri atomic gas for purification, better results have been achieved.

In conclusion, the various processes should be administered by a professional. The systems put in place to produce this cleanser should be of quality measure. With the revolution in technology improved methods as this which ensure health is observed are transforming everyday lives. The use of tri atomic oxygen therefore cannot be refuted.

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