The Latest And The Most Effective Opiate Addiction Treatment Strategies

By Margaret Hughes

Opiates have wreaked havoc on people for centuries. The abuse of these chemical substances has taken a massive toll on the lives of millions of people. The drugs are synthesized from the opium poppy seeds. They are not all evil, though. The chemicals are useful for many positive therapeutic functions according to physicians. The major problem arises from the fact that the opiates are also used by people for unconventional reasons. The drugs have led to the formation of a multi-billion criminal empire. This article focuses on opiate addiction treatment strategies in place to curtail their adverse effects when abused.

Morphine and cocaine are mostly introduced into the systems via intravenous means. Alternatively, they are taken orally, smoked or even snorted via the nose. The use of needles has been shown to be the most preferred ingestion route. It acts immediately on the nerve receptors. The chemical structure of the opiates is similar to those of the naturally produced neurotransmitters of the human body. The major effects are euphoria, pain reduction, and anxiety alleviation.

Used sparingly, codeine and morphine are not harmful. In limited doses, these chemicals only cause constipation and difficulties in breathing. The problem arises with exceeding the recommended dosage intake levels. Physical dependence is a terrifying concern. The dosages required to bring about the euphoria keep on steadily increasing with repeated use.

The most outstanding ramifications associated with abuse of the opiates is the behavioral change. The individual quickly begins spiraling out-of-control. In no time, a fully functioning member of the society turns into a degenerate incapable of holding down a steady job and even taking care of their families. They turn into vagabonds whose sole purpose in life is to search for the drug.

Attempting to cure a patient of this fixation takes a lot of effort. It is an expensive affair as well. Unfortunately, not many people get to fully recover and live normal lives. Recovery ought to be thought of as a holistic process. To kick the habit calls on the patient to have an unbowed resolve and willpower. They also need an unwavering support from their family and loved ones. Experts are also needed to help in the process.

Thankfully, researchers have now discovered a number of solutions capable of battling the affliction. One common thing about all of the recommended avenues is that the addict has to be separated from the source. They are put into specialized clinics where they continue receiving medication and counseling until they are ready to rejoin the society.

Each rehabilitation center has their unique strategy when dealing with patients. Many clinics adopt the seven-stage recovery approach. All in all, they all focus their energies on strengthening the positive reinforcement attributes. For instance, they introduce their clients to spirituality and to meditation. The duration and the overall costs of the treatments are predetermined by many underlying factors, for instance, the level of tolerance built up by the person.

Withdrawal is the most pronounced aspect of any treatment approach. Many individuals want to stop using the morphine but their bodies just will not cave in. They get easily irritated, they experience wild hallucinations and night-sweats. Doctors often use drugs like Naltrexone, Methadone and Buprenorphine to counter the withdrawal symptoms.

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