A Guide To Obtaining Vocational Rehabilitation Services

By Christine Cooper

It is no doubt that physically challenged individuals encounter problems when it comes to securing employment. In fact, many of them shun the idea of making an application for fear of being rejected. Luckily, with the inception of vocational rehabilitation programs, the process has become much easier. The program is federally funded to help people to select, prepare, and secure employment opportunities.

The quest for an employment opportunity is started through making an application. One will only locate the Pierre SD city rehabilitation office to present their formal request. Cooperation with a counselor is mandatory for he or she will engage in evaluating all educational and the medical information presented. This move assists in determining if one is qualified for occupational rehabilitation program or not.

Given that the formal application has been made, the remaining thing is to wait for a response. Successful candidates often get an approval letter. Their counterparts who have not been considered, as well, receive a notification stating the reason for dismissing their applications. The approximate duration for determining eligibility for an occupational program is usually two months.

The accepted applicants get a chance of working with a rehabilitation therapist. This is meant to develop an individualized employment plan. The reason for coming up with such a plan is derived from the fact that each has specific skills, strengths, and preferences. Such components come in handy when it comes to developing a detailed customized plan. Failure to factor them in, may result in an undesirable outcome.

When an IPE plan has successfully been formulated, the other incentive will now involve embarking on an exploration process. Such a process aims at selecting a service which goes hand in hand with individual preferences and skills. In this case, discussions are channeled towards various occupational opportunities that are suited to the client. By so doing, adequate preparation for a new job is performed.

The other activity now involves signing the rehabilitation plan. This is a comprehensive outline which displays the services and resources to be utilized in achieving a career goal. Besides that, the steps of ensuring that the targets are being made are also clearly outlined in the plan. A successful rehabilitation program always results in job placement. Even if the consumer secures employment, the counselor will still offer post-employment services.

An occupational rehabilitation program is beneficial in many ways. For instance, the physically challenged person is guaranteed of entering into the mainstream of the society hence expanding the workforce pool. Additionally, they gain self-esteem and become more self-sufficient when working for an institution. Employers on their part stand to gain from the reliability and high job performance demonstrated by the enthusiastic workers.

War veterans also stand to reap some benefits when they are subjected under a professional reintegration program. This is because they find an alternative income-earning initiative that facilitates an independent livelihood. Some have even turned out to be excellent at their new jobs, due to the high level of the performance recorded. An individual who aims to gain sufficient insights on reintegration processes should hold the above information in high regards.

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