Guidelines For Athletic Blog Posts Nowadays

By Douglas Butler

During the early days, athletes were not supposed to update their Olympic blog posts. This is because the committee was afraid to release the live updates. Therefore ones who do this were penalized since they had gone over the rules and break them to post the proceedings in the field. This was not possible till Olympics which were held in Beijing china in 2008. This was because the Olympic committee was afraid of athletes releasing sensitive information about the task to the public hence the ones did this were penalized. Therefore athletic blog was supposed to be kept private.

Till today, those blocks to post whatever you want on your website is prohibited but after the 2008 Olympics, athletes where given special honor to post some of the events but not all of it. Therefore there are guidelines which were set to make sure not all information about the athletics was disclosed to public. Below are some of those regulations.

The athlete is not allowed to disclose their agreements with their sponsors in order to retain the confidentiality of the matter. Therefore if you are caught doing this, you will be liable to your own mistakes. Therefore you will receive a penalty depending on the number of times you have been participating in Olympics.

Blog posts should adhere to every rule and make sure the spirit of athletics is respected at all times. In this case, the international committee of Olympics has the right to demand the person who posted something outside their rules on their websites to remove them in case they did not agree to the posting of such material to the internet.

Everything was considered during the time the committee set these regulations to guide the athletes materials they put in public knowledge. This is because if people started to give their opinions during the event the athlete happens to see it, it will have an impact on person but they considered all possibilities of negative attitude towards the party involved in the content.

These rules were set to ensure the agreements made between the sponsors and the athletes remained confidential throughout the time the Olympics will be going on. If posts like these goes on air, the operation could have been compromised since there are mixed opinions in the agreement made from the people reading the blog.The burn of athlete websites is a normal thing to those who does not do as told hence leading to their websites being burned till the end of the time set for athletics. This is to prevent information from the committee or the sponsors from getting to the public before sports are over.

In cases where the athletes have agreements with their sponsors, you are not supposed to make those comments in your blog or refer to any substantial materials which talks about the agreement whether directly or indirectly. All these limitations are set only for bloggers to allow the committee of having their commissioned broadcasting contractors to do so.

Today you are allowed to do whatever you want with the materials you8 have on the Olympics. Therefore you can post every kind of material although need to be careful not to become inflammatory which might lead to prosecution. Consider your posts before releasing them to the public.

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