Make Sure Your Yacht Delivery Goes Smoothly And Successfully

By Jeffrey Murphy

Yacht ownership is accessible to only the most affluent individuals in our society. Most us will never know what it is like to live surrounded by such luxury. For those within the small circle of the ultra rich, things like expensive cars, homes on both coasts, travel to exotic locations, designer labels, and magnificent works of art are just part of their daily lives. If they need yacht delivery, someone in their entourage arranges it. For most of us, the definition of the word is hazy.

Whether or not boats are considered mega yachts or not depends mostly on their size. The word comes from the Dutch and was originally meant for boats that were fast and light enough to catch pirates. Smaller luxury boats are usually referred to as cabin cruisers even though they may be as unique as their larger cousins. Today we generally think of yachts as luxury seagoing vessels owned by people we read about in magazines.

Craftsmen who construct these boats are often building one of a kind ships. They may have designs from naval architects who work with specific clients to create customized plans that meet specific needs and desires. Interior designers are often an important part of the team and provide their expertise to ensure the unique style of the future owner is replicated exactly. Once the vessel is ready to be delivered, every detail has been inspected and approved.

Boat dealerships tend to sell and deliver boats that are manufactured by companies making their money building smaller more uniform vessels. They are often customized for individuals though and are very well constructed,

Very often delivery of these huge vessels requires traveling in international waters where all international maritime laws apply. The companies entrusted with their safe and speedy conveyance must clearly understand and comply with the laws so as not to endanger or hinder the arrival of someone's precious new possession. Of course one must have the correct insurance in place in case inclement weather damages the vessel in any way.

One of the most important elements of any successful delivery is the competence of the captain and his or her crew. RYA yacht masters, for example, are highly sought after for these types of responsibilities because of the expertise they must have to receive their certifications. By the time they qualify for such a significant title, these skippers have thousands of hours on all types of ships in oceans around the world.

A lot of times the new owners can't wait for their latest possession to be delivered. They may want to embark on the delivery voyage with the captain, the crew, the builder, and the architect who are all on board to make sure everything works well and goes smoothly. The owners can inspect the vessel at their leisure and get answers to any questions they have.

Most of us will never know what it is like to have a boat as long as a football field and as opulent as a king's castle. For those lucky enough to own a floating mansion, getting it safely and successfully delivered is of utmost importance.

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