Your Sober Free Birthday Party

By Keidra Wilson

Sobriety is a difficult stage for any addict to get to. Addicts are often giving a lot of themselves when it comes to drug and alcohol treatment. They often want to express their sobriety with friends and family members that will be proud of them. It is never easy to find sobriety these days. Many men and women find that sober living is a way of life. Most sober living families do not know how to express their sobriety properly. Here are a few tips are how to be sober around your birthday. Many addicts find this hard to do since birthday parties are often mixed with alcohol, music and friends.

Family members often want to help their addicted loved one to stay drug and alcohol free. True friends would never allow you to be around alcohol because they know what it does to you. A sip of alcohol can send you back into a treatment center. A sip of alcohol can also cause you to take drugs again. Alcohol is often the drug that leads you to hard illegal drugs like heroin and cocaine. Heroin and cocaine is tough to handle. Most people that take these drugs say that they don't understand how they got into taking these drugs to begin with.

If you are throwing a birthday party, make sure that it's in a place where you don't feel uncomfortable. Don't allow your party to be thrown in a bar, dance hall or restaurant/bar atmosphere. It is important to have your birthday party in a sober free zone. House parties often work the best. Catering halls are another great place to have a party since you can control what is being served to your guests. If someone is throwing you the party, kindly ask them to keep liquor off the menu. Believe me, your friends would rather see you sober and living happy than to be living a life of getting high and doing drugs. It is important to write down what it means to be sober.

It is important to attend a weekly Alcoholics Anonymous meeting as well. This is important since a lot of addicts feel that their life is not where they want it to be. Allow others to know what makes you feel happy and sad. Addiction is often a hard battle to fight on your own. Many addicts say that you cannot overcome addiction alone. You need to have friends and family to back you up and to make you feel more at peace. When it comes to sobriety, you often feel like your life is moving along in good ways.

The brain is really weird in the sense that it continues to teach us new tricks in life. The brain is always trying to make us think of different ways to get attention for what we want. You learn in rehab that you are in charge of your own thoughts. You can stop a bad thought from coming into your mind that would cause you to want to do drugs or drink alcohol. It is important to let go and have a new life of sobriety. You can find support by visiting online chat rooms with people that suffer from addiction.

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