You Might Be Making These Six Obgyn Consultation Mistakes

By Margaret Taylor

As recommended by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, you may have started seeing your obgyn between the age thirteen to fifteen. Since then, you must have been visiting your doctor regularly. That is good.

The well being of you and your child depends a lot on how you manage your reproductive and over all health with the help of your physician. To get you actively involved, you need adequate education. So to put you one step ahead of this goal, here is a must read guide with six pointers to discuss with an obgyn in Reno, Nevada.

Only work with an obgyn you trust. It is necessary that you are comfortable with a specialist whom you will discuss very personal topics and will examine the most sensitive parts of your body. Your primary care provider can help find one for you and match it with any preferences you set. You can meet with him or her before making a decision. Get information about his or her experience and certification. You may also inquire about the hospitals where you have the privileges to be admitted to, the availability of the doctor, and anyone who covers for him or her in his or her absence.

Keep track of your monthly menstrual cycle. Getting this in your habit will help tell you if your period is regular, and in turn, you will know whether your hormones are in balance or not. Regularly recording information about your cycle will also help your doctor examine your reproductive health.

You lie about your social habits or any important health information needed by your doctor. This mistake goes for any kind of medical appointment. It may be obvious why it is important to be honest with your gynecologist. They rely upon your disclosure to diagnose and treat you completely. If addicted to a certain drug and you do not tell this, you may be prescribed with a dangerous medication. If involved in a promiscuous sexual behavior and you say you are a virgin, you might miss out the opportunity to treat silent diseases such as Chlamydia.

Remember to get a Pap smear by twenty one and know your type of pap. A lot of women do not have any idea about the type they just went through. The more modern forms filter out unnecessary liquids such as blood to ensure the accuracy of the results. Most clinics adopt this new method. But in case you receive the conventional one, you will surely acquire an accurate reading when it is done during the time of menstruation or after.

Ask for a urine test in addition to a pap test. This is especially important as soon as you engage in unprotected sex. While most gynecologists will check you for the most common sexually transmitted diseases without you having to ask specifically, it helps to gently remind your doctor that you definitely would like one to be sure. There are asymptomatic diseases like Chlamydia which can be detected far more easily with a urine test.

Relax. While it is normal to be nervous in the clinic setting because of the stigma associated with it, this should not overwhelm you. Take deep breaths while waiting for your turn and get your head in the right place. All of these will be quick and easy.

Probably, and hopefully, you get to see your gynecologist at least once a year. Make this one day matter. Consult your obgyn and stay well educated about your reproductive health.

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