Heroin Is Destroying Millions Of Lives

By Jimmy Johns

We often hear about treatment centers turning people away that have no money for treatment. However, most treatment centers put aside a few scholarships each month to help an addict get sober. Many treatment centers want to help people that need to get sober. However, the costs associated with treated a client are extremely high. Most treatment centers cannot afford to give everyone a free scholarship for treatment. A treatment center often cannot pay for a person's detox if they are addicted to heroin.

Experts are unsure about why middle class suburban areas are being hit with the heroin epidemic. What is certain is that heroin is destroying the lives of families. It is turning a nice and caring human being into one that cheats, lies and steals. The drug is extremely hard to get off of and most people wonder if they can ever be free from this painful addiction. In life, you have to understand what the problems are associated with heroin. For starters, you can easily have a heroin overdose. This kind of overdose makes people sick and often allows someone to see that they can have a bad time in life because of this. If you fall asleep while you are taking heroin, there is a good chance that your brain will tell your heart to stop beating. You will then have an overdose.

Medical billing companies understand that there is a lot of money that involved in treating a patient. Families that don't have good medical insurance for treatment and cash to pay, have a difficult time sending their loved one into a program. Many clients across the USA say that they are trying to get help and simply cannot. Most treatment centers will send you away because the demand is so high. In an average 30 bed inpatient facility, only around 2 to 5 scholarships are given to an addict each month. A scholarship is a free stay at their facility. It is often hard to treat someone that needs help.

Treatment centers across the USA are trying to pressure the US government to do something about it. The government recognizes that there is a problem, but a solution is not coming out fast enough. The question still remains, "How can you treat someone with heroin addiction if they have no money?" In my opinion, families have to come together and find financial sources for the addict. Most treatment centers take credit card payments and some families find that getting an equity line of credit on their home helps pay for treatment. There are savings accounts that often have to be dipped into to find help for the addict as well.

The problem is that families must come together when an addict is in need. Families should expect to contribute around $5,000 if the addicted person has medical insurance. If they don't, a family should expect to put out around $13,000. There are free hospital clinics that do treat addicts. However, the waiting lists for these programs are often high. The problem has become so severe, that many addicts are losing their lives because of not getting into a program in time.

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