Contribution Of Sherry Cassin In The Fashion Industry

By Deborah Ward

Sherry, whose origin is thought to be East Coast, grew up in California. She did awesome job in the fashion industry. She designed and brought up admirable clothing into industry. Originally, Sherry Cassin worked at the fashion industry as a merchandise consultant. She held this position at store retailers for twenty five years. As a consultant, she contributed enormously to success of entire industry.

She started her job in 1999, after she stopped working. Her plan was to deal with sales of women wears. Reasons for deciding to concentrate on clothing of women are well known to her. The fact she had performed very well as a consultant, she had enough confidence of doing very well in her sales. She had tactics that she considered superior and could easily outdo her competitors.

The demands of people directed her on issues to concentrate on. She used to collect information from the customers, so that she would know what they needed. This was one of her main ideas on how to win customers. She knew very well that fashion sector was not going the right direction because those present never involved people before they made their plans.

Her first collection into the market was ineffably incomparable. The collection was majorly made of furs and other materials that are natural. It mainly comprised shrugs, ponchos and vests. The fact that her design included furs, it was not for cold purposes, but to match with jeans that are mainly worn. This was mainly arrived at, after intensive research where, it was found out that there was no tops to match with jeans that are the likes of majority.

She had dream of making sure that all her components would be of high quality. This was the major weapon to outdo her competitors. This is because she had realized most of her competitors deal with substandard commodities just with the intention of making large profits without minding about the future. Indeed, her future was well calculated and there is no doubt she would flourish with few difficulties.

When she begun the business, her collection was only made up of little clothing such as vest but it has grown tremendously to the extent of selling coats mainly made up of fur. Some of the coats she designed are still being used as rain wear. Indeed, this advancement has not occurred just by chance but after a lot of her commitment to fulfill her dreams.

This tremendous growth was owing to the fact that she had enormous experience she acquired while working as a consultant. Her products are mainly found in Bergdorf Goodman, Sacks and also Fifth Avenue. Those interested in these products can visit the stated places for purchase. Her website can also help those interested.

She has engaged in enormous development programs in other industries. She has been involved in different educational activities. This clearly indicates she is willing to work with others, to help in advancing level of educational standards. She has been working as a member of Fashion Industry Advisory board of LIM College for more than fifteen years.

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