When To Seek Couples Counseling In Chicago, IL

By Arthur Morgan

Being in a relationship is not easy. After the excitement and rush of the wedding and honeymoon fade away, you may find that you are having problems in your marriage. If you are in such a situation, it is advisable to seek the help of professionals who offer couples counseling in Chicago. Couples counseling can be helpful in a variety of situations.

One of the times you can consult with a marriage counselor if you are disagreeing on money management in your relationship. Lack of money can raise problems if your partner starts complaining about financial constraints. With the help of a marriage counselor, you and your spouse can solve the arguments and have a better relationship.

You can also seek the assistance of a couples counselor when facing infidelity issues. If your spouse has not been faithful, you may find it hard to trust him or her again. Nevertheless, if you are ready to restore your relationship, a counselor can help you do so. He or she will assist you to rebuild the trust you had for each other before infidelity issues came up.

Different parenting styles can also cause conflicts in your marriage. This is not a surprise because you were not raised in the same family. Therefore, your values and expectations may be totally different. With the help of a couples counselor, you can work together as parents and raise your children well.

The other common problem that married people face is poor communication. One partner may feel that his or her spouse is no longer listening to what he or she has to say. A couple may also stop speaking to each other altogether. A counselor can help people who are facing such problems learn how to maintain good communication in their relationship.

You can also see a therapist if your sex life has dwindled away. Some of the reasons that can affect your sex life include financial problems, depression, physical problems and low self esteem. The sexual connection in a relationship is important. If you have problems with intimacy, a therapist can assist you to unearth the real problems and solve them.

Another reason to seek marital counseling is when you have separate lives. If you constantly do things separately, and not because one of you is committed elsewhere, this is a sign that you may be disconnected from each other. This can be caused by resentment towards your spouse. Therapy can help you address pent up resentment or anger so that you can start loving your spouse like you did when you began your relationship.

During your consultation with a couples counselor, do not expect the professional to take sides. Good marriage counselors remain focused and address issues without favoring any partner. Therapy does not aim to find out who is right. Instead, it focuses on bringing together two unhappy individuals by eliminating negative habits and helping them create a happier and healthier marriage. The professional will identify the things that one of you is doing that may be causing a negative impact to your marriage. You may not like to go through counseling, but it is worth it because it will enhance your marriage.

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