When To Examine Your ICD-10 Codes

By Vallery Puttings

A lot of medical facilities are being audited by insurance companies. This is a fear that a lot of companies are having today for various reasons. Fear often happens when you least expect. You need to always look at your own situation and ask yourself what matters the most. What is it that you are trying to accomplish? Life can be challenging at times and new things begin to happen.

A medical billing audit often happens when an insurance company wants to see your records. They want to understand your business a bit better. They are submitted lots of money to your business and are asking tough questions. A lot of treatment centers got audited in October of 2015. It is mainly due to the fact that the new ICD-10 got released and it allows insurance companies to do it. You may be surprised to find out that medical audits are only the tip of the iceberg. There has to be a lot of insurance carriers in order to do this.

Often it is because insurance companies see things differently. People will often say that there is trouble happening along the way of billing. Billing is perhaps one of the most complex things in healthcare right now. The reason is mainly due to the fact that most people did not prepare for ICD-10. Instead, people thought it was something that anyone could do. Even though the medical billing organization told people that these codes would be coming out, many people thought that they would just deal with them when they got released. This was the worst possible decision to make. The reason why these codes are difficult to learn is because there are over 100,000 of them to describe a medical illness.

If you are like me, you probably have a rough idea of what will happen with a medical bill. For starters, these bills are not easy to gather. They often have a different approach than ordinary things. You may think that it's tough to have a medical billing practice. I can honestly tell you that it's tough, but not impossible. Even though a lot of doctors today are leaving their practices because of ICD-10, you don't have to.

In my opinion, keeping good records will get the insurance companies off your back. They often want to tell you what you are doing wrong. Many insurance companies are seeing incorrect billing all of the time. They are actually trying to crack down people doing things incorrectly. They may even withhold payment until you are audited with their insurance company. Make sure that you know what you are doing or else you can get a slowdown in payments.

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