Tips On Boat Maintenance Long Beach CA

By Henry Kennedy

Procedures involved in boat maintenance are not easy for all boat owners but they are too essential to be assumed. When boat owners do the right repairs and maintenance, they will save money that would have been used in future repairs. There are a number of tips that when followed ensure the device is always in the best condition. In consideration of boat maintenance Long Beach CA residents can benefit from some ideas.

One of the most basic things to do is wash the device as frequently as possible, notably after every trip. After use, they are likely to have attracted a lot of dust and debris, plus other impurities. It is thus important to wash the entire boat, including the interiors. During the washing, one should be careful not to let water seep into the engine. Some of the parts that need to be cleaned include the fabric, wood, glass surfaces and plastic elements. The washing is done using high quality, safe products.

One of the most important parts that need maintenance is the engine. Its maintenance includes replacing the spark plugs, changing oil and greasing moving parts. Greasing should be done after every 75 hours of use. The cooling system will also need to be checked to ensure the engine does not malfunction at any given time. This will ensure people on board are always safe,

It is important to check fuel lines 4 times every year to ensure they are working well. When they are being checked, you should look out for dirt, leaking hoses and corrosion. If there are any problems, they should be fixed at once by professionals. Fuel filters need to be changed once or twice yearly. Even in instances when the boats are not being used, the tank needs to be topped up in order to minimize formation of condensation in the tank. In case there is an external tank, it should be well washed.

You need to check the propeller for rubbish or any damages. There are instances when fishing lines may stick around shafts, leading to water leakage. They would need to be removed at once. As much as possible, an old propeller should be carried such that in case of problems at sea, they are swapped. Carrying an extra shear spin will also be advisable.

The battery needs checking four times every year. They are the devices that cause the most headache to boat owners. Certified marine batteries and not car batteries should be used. Battery cells should be topped using distilled water in case the level goes down. The battery connections ought to be checked to ensure they are clean, tight and secure. Regular charging of the battery is advisable.

Water pump at the motor should be regularly checked to ascertain that it has strong discharge. The pump is supposed to be changed at least once yearly. This can however be more frequent in the case of boats used in shallow areas or murky waters.

All joints and connections should be checked to keep them safe. Any stuffs that are worn out should be replaced. When problems are detected early, it ensures one saves a lot of money.

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