Discover How To Look And Feel Your Best With Bioidentical HRT For Wellness

By Ma Lillibeth Coper Incipido

People often associate hormone replacement therapy, HRT, with women and menopause. Many people do not know the difference between synthetic hormones and bioidentical hormones. This is evidence that some consumer education needs to occur to understand the value of bioidentical HRT, and why it is equally useful for men and women. Philadelphia customized wellness programs are devoted to improving the lives of their patients with bioidentical HRT.

From the early age of puberty, women cope with fluctuating hormones each month. When women become pregnant their hormonal levels are out of balance for about a year. After the child bearing years have passed, women face perimenopause and menopause. It is clear to see why women have a much stronger interest in bioidentical HRT.

Traditional Western medicine now accepts the concept that men also go through menopause, which is called andropause. As their testosterone levels decline, men often experience a dramatic decline in their interest in sex. Other symptoms include erectile dysfunction, hair loss, weight gain around the stomach area, mood swings and more.

Hormonal imbalance also affects your overall health and wellness. Both men and women may suffer a loss of bone density and may develop osteoporosis. This is a very serious condition that tends to worsen as people age and is more prevalent in women.

Men and women can benefit from BHRT. Maintaining a healthy heart is reason enough to take BHRT. But this in only one of the many benefits. Patients maintain overall strength with more muscle mass, have fewer mood swings and have a decrease in blood pressure. Since BHRT slows the aging process, patients look and feel good from the inside out.

It is not accurate to say that bioidentical hormones are natural. Both synthetic hormones and bioidentical hormones are synthetic, which is to say they are produced in a laboratory, not by the human body. Bioidentical hormones are more effective because their molecular structure allows the body to metabolize them in the same way it metabolizes its own hormones. You really can look and feel your best with BHRT.

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