Vitor Ribeiro, The World Hero In Martial Arts

By Lisa Moore

Though many people take martial arts to be entirely about fighting, it goes beyond their thoughts. When it was started many years ago, it was all about teaching people how do self-defense. With time, people adopted these practices and the skills was impacted on people for reasons such as completion, physical fitness and even for application in military field especially in Mountainside, NJ. Today, this art is also taught for entertainment, mental and spiritual nourishment. One of the heroes who has won countless prices and awards in martial arts is the famous Vitor Ribeiro. He is common referred to as Shaolin.

Having a Brazilian origin, he was born in February 24, 1979. Presently, he is 36 years of age. His profession has been revolving around Martial Arts industry. Being a retired mixed martial art professionals, he boasts of winning countless prices or awards ever since he entered this industry. After entering taking this as his life time, he has participated in strike force and shooto other fighting alliances. He won both the Shooto and Cage Rage championship, which are categorized in the light category.

Although it was not easy to notice his potential while at his teenage, somebody could foresee his potential at far. While still at school, it happened that shaolin was involved in a fight with a kid. However, he lost the fight after receiving serious beating. Since then, Ribeiro decided to start attending gym classes. It is after this fighting incident when he was to a school in Pederneiras by the name Nova Uniao.

For three years, Shaolin engaged himself in series of serious and intensive training to better and make improvements on his fighting skills. While he was still 17 years, he was given an opportunity to try his fighting skills in the world championship owing to his potential in Martial Arts.

The act of winning this completion placed shaolin in a better place. Actually, this opened more doors for this young energetic fighter who has so much interest and commitments in his carrier. What surprised many people especially his Nationals is the potential shaolin had while still young.

In fact, he was now given a chance to try and grow his fighting experience in the adult division. It is still during this time when the celebrity by the nickname Shaolin was a second position in the Nationals and Pan Ams. In the following year, this celebrity was in position to prove to one of his mentors called Pederneiras after getting fame and glory from his nationals (Brazilians).

In the lightweight category, Shaolin has won a good number of awards after beating experienced fighters in this industry. For instance, Shaolin has won three consecutive awards in world Championship in the years 1999, 2000, and 2001. It is after the Mundial Championship held in 2001 when he decided to join MMA and show is skills to the entire world.

Though he is a retired fighter, he is one of the most famous grappler in Brazil who has won dozen of prices and precious awards in Martial Arts career. He has also has good record in MMA and BJJ completions after winning in both.

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