What You Need To Know About Light Therapy Provided By A Med Spa Plano Locals Go To

By Virginia McDonald

These days, there are so many non-surgical remedies available for dealing with skin aging signs and many other aesthetic nightmares. Because they are undeniably cheaper and safer than undergoing the knife, lots of beauty-conscious individuals are going for them. One very popular treatment around is light therapy available at a med spa Plano residents may pay a visit on a regular basis.

Just like what the name suggests, it is a form of beauty treatment that uses visible light. It's for this reason exactly why it is often mistaken for a laser treatment. Although these procedures may look the same, light therapy uses a completely different technology.

Dermatologists say that light therapy and what's called intense pulsed light (IPL) are one and the same. The light utilized is powerful enough to make it past the topmost layer of your skin. Due to this, IPL can be used for a wide variety of cosmetic purposes. It goes without saying that it's the right solution for you if undergoing the knife is not one of your options.

One really popular use of IPL is for the elimination of fine lines and wrinkles. There are so many different things that can be blamed for the appearance of these unflattering aging signs. Stress, cigarette smoking, exposure to environmental pollutants and unhealthy eating are just some examples of those. However, dermatologists say that their leading cause is excessive exposure to the sun because UV light can damage collagen.

A type of protein, collagen is tasked at maintaining the firmness of skin. This is why it's an ingredient found in a lot of anti-aging creams available on the current market. A facial treatment that takes advantage of light similar to laser is done in order to improve synthesis of collagen. Increasing the amounts of collagen present can help reinstate skin firmness, which is vital for the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. Depending on their severity, these aging signs may even be completely erased.

Treatment involving visible light is also very good for reducing the presence of the pigment referred to as melanin. Wrinkles and fine lines are not the only issues that you may get from the sun, but also dark-colored formations. Yes, you may end up with sun or age spots if you tend to stay under the blistering sun for a really long time.

Individuals who are suffering from acne may also choose to undergo IPL on a regular basis. That's because it is capable of considerably reducing inflammation. What's more, it has the ability to kill bacteria responsible for acne appearance. Once the skin condition is put under control, continued treatment is highly recommended. Such is suggested by dermatologists in order to reduce the appearance of scars that acne is fond of leaving behind. The procedure is also suited for dealing with many other types of scars aside from those that can be blamed on acne.

Just like laser treatment, it's also ideal for the elimination of excess facial and body hair. Visible light utilized is powerful enough to destroy hair follicles. Once completing the recommended number of treatments, maintenance once a year is suggested in order to keep the effects intact.

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