For Employees, How To Have More Energy After Work

By Betty Stewart

The nine to five grind is probably among the most overused phrases in the English language. If children feared their bogeyman, this one is the most dreaded among the adult population. Being fettered to whitewashed cubicles for nine hours, doing a thankless job, and being cut off from the rest of the world. Sometimes, all it takes is a change is perspective. Find out how to have more energy after work.

Now, lets get down to the statistics. Some credible research studies have postulated that about forty percent of workers are reportedly feeling fatigued after work, and thats for every day of the week. For all we know, the real numbers can be a lot higher than that. All youd have to do is walk around and ask the first person you see. As it is, a lot of people feel that they could have done better with a change of circumstances.

The assumption here is that the fatigue is all down on unhealthy and unproductive habits, such that when you are watching YouTube when youre supposed to get all the paperwork done, or when youre chatting up your friends when theres an important report to finish up. In these cases, you almost always wind up bringing the work home or making for yourself a backlog that has to be done tomorrow ASAP.

That gives rise to another question. That is, how long should an optimal nap be. For sure, too short a nap can leave you wanting for more, with maybe a slight headache afterward. Too long of one can make you feel hyped so as to miss out on the beauty sleep later. A credible research foundation has found out that a 26 minute nap is the most ideal. Therefore, you should aim for somewhere in between the twenty to thirty minute mark, no more and no less.

We all know how self defeating this actuality is. When you go to work stressed every other day, you are also affecting your productivity. You slog with more effort than you should shell out, and its taking more time and effort that is warranted. With this perpetual and unending cycle, you are also causing adverse consequences to your health and your happiness.

Physical activity is a surefire way of sprucing up your energy levels. It not only vamps up your vigor but also your overall quality of life. You experience a positive spike in mood, making you more amicable and productive in your attitude towards work. The efficiency of your heart, lungs, and muscles are also upped in efficiency, and with the blood levels swirling up, you are likewise doing service to your fatigued brain.

First off, you will have to delve into the root causes. For some reason, the employees who feel the most ill done by are the office workers or those who spend most of their time imprisoned in the windowless white space. Of course, other field workers have their share of fatigue too, but its remarkable how these office blokes get to be the usual representatives.

Therefore, it would do to postulate that the part of everyone who receives the brunt of fatigue is the brain. When they feel exhausted, it is mainly due to mind fatigue. As people might say, its mind over matter, but thats not saying that these exhausted workers are simply not doing their best. After all, you can always put in more hours in a day, but nothing is more counterproductive than a fatigued brain.

There are many more things it would do to keep in mind. For example, eat a balanced diet, tune it to your body clock, shed extra pounds, take breaks, watch your micronutrients, do relaxation exercises, and so on and so forth. However, the main thing is to be more mindful of and honest to yourself. You know what you are missing out, and it would do to remedy that at the soonest possible time. This is more or less an individual enterprise, so tune in to your needs and act accordingly.

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