Discovering How Your Subconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior

By Maria Fox

While applied and behavioral psychology has proven that behavior can be based on environment and other factors, there is now a new book which indicates various behaviors can also be based on the subconscious. The book, Subliminal: how your subconscious mind rules your behavior by Leonard Mlodinow draws on past work as an author, theoretical physicist and scientist to explain how and why this is the case.

Mlodinow has been recognized for a number of groundbreaking discoveries in math and physics. In addition, the author has a passion for making scientific fact and science available to the general public. With five books on the New York Times list of best sellers including two which were co-authored with Stephen Hawking and Deepak Chopra, Mlodinow has already become one of the most successful authors and physicists in history.

Leonard has also been featured in a number of webzines, magazines, newspapers and has lectured around the world. In addition, the author has appeared on cable, satellite and television programs such as ABC's Nightline in which he debated Deepak Chopra, Through the Wormhole, Morning Joe and others over the course of what has become a long career. In addition to writing about physics and science, Mlodinow has also written for television series including MacGuyver and Star Trek The Next Generation.

A child of Holocaust survivors, including a mother whom was housed in a labor camp and a father whom was imprisoned in a concentration camp, life has not always been easy for the author. While Mlodinow's parents never knew one another until after the Holocaust, the two met in Brooklyn, New York in 1948, after which the couple were married, then had Leonard in 1954.

Leonard initially attended Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. Although, Mlodinow dropped out in 1972 to travel to Israel on a work kibbutz. During that time, Leonard fell in love with physics after reading several books by Richard Feyman. At the time, the books were the only English books housed at the kibbutz library.

Following the work kibbutz, Leonard returned to Massachusetts and added physics to what was already a double major of chemistry and math at Brandeis. After grading in 1976 with a Bachelors of Science, Mlodinow went on to a acquire a Masters, then a Ph. D in theoretical physics from University of California at Berkeley. While working on a doctoral thesis, Leonard worked with Nikos Papanicolaou on new methods for problem solving in infinite dimensions.

After leaving Berkeley, Leonard obtained a faculty position at Caltech. After which, the young professor went on to receive two fellowships in theoretical physics, one in the United States and another in Germany. Once again receiving the honor and respect the young author and physicist deserved for working so hard as a student as an undergrad, masters and doctoral candidate.

After returning home, the physicist and author returned to the faculty at California Institute of Technology teaching math and physics. After which, Mlodinow continued writing books while teaching until 2013, when the author left the institute to write full time. Since that time, Leonard has released two other books, The Upright Thinkers in 2015 and Elastic in 2018, while continuing to lecture, travel and write on a regular basis.

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