Some Procedures And Terms Often Used By The Colon Surgeon

By Lisa Campbell

The colorectal surgery is a field of medicine which will be dealing with some disorders that often occur in a persons colon, rectum, and anus. Another term for this is proctology. Those specialized physicians on the field are called as colorectal surgeons or proctologists. This operation type involves many types procedures and also methods that are to be discussed briefly in this written article.

All colorectal surgeons are required to under go a very extensive education and advanced training before they can be able to perform such surgeries. They also are required to have a comprehensive knowledge about general operations, diagnosis, and treatments of disorders of colon, rectum, and anus. Morrilton AR colon surgeon also is specializing a postoperative, preoperative, and operative care to the patients that have colorectal disorders.

A lot of procedures and a lot of terms have been used most often by surgeons. Four of the most common terms in a colorectal cancer include laparoscopic surgery, resection, local excision, and polypectomy. The procedure of polypectomy is the removal of polyps which are some small growths found in colons lining. This method is performed by colonoscopy, the use of a colonoscope which is inserted to a rectum to view the colon and the rectum.

Local excision is being used for treating the cancers in rectum. It involves the removing of cancers and tissues from walls of the rectum. The procedure can be done through anus or small cuts in the rectums. The procedure does not require in doing some major operations in an abdominal part. The resection is removing of some parts of a colon along with tissues and cancers that are attached into it.

A laparoscopic surgery is the process of performing laparoscopy which means that looking inside the cavities in the abdominal part using a special type of a camera or a scope. Incisions will be made in abdomen and the instruments will be inserted through the small incisions. The pictures of intestinal organs will then be transmitted to a monitor so the surgeon can see.

Other 4 important procedures involved in colorectal surgeries are J pouch, K pouch, fecal diversion, and stomas. A stoma is an opening of parts in bowel to a skin. The permanent stoma is created if the stools cannot pass to its normal routes when the surgery is done. The temporary stoma is created to keep the stools away from the operated areas.

Fecal diversion is one procedure in which ileostomy or the opening of parts between skin and the small intestine is being made. Colostomy or the opening of parts between skin and the colon is also done. Usually, a fecal diversion is utilized for temporary measure, allowing chronic inflammation, infection, and surgery healing.

The K pouch is attached to the anus to allow a person to go to a bathroom in a very similar way. The K pouch provides reservoir for the stool and also adds nipple valves in order to prevent the stool to leak. This procedure is not common for use by the surgeons due to its complexity during surgery.

J pouch is placed in the small intestines end to provide a stool place before one person can go into the bathroom for a proctocolectomy. Ileal pouches have a lot of different forms. But one very common form of ileal pouches is J pouch.

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