Information On All Natural Organic Skin Care Product

By Karen Gibson

When talking about cosmetics, there is a wide range of products on the market to choose from. The market is filled with many must-haves and new ingredients keep on coming up every day. It is much easier to base on the potential results one can achieve from using a product when making a choice of beauty products to buy.

It is important to be careful with how one selects the kind of cosmetic products they apply because of the ingredients incorporated into them. There are several different benefits that can be derived from using cosmetic products that use non-natural ingredients. However, at the same time, these products present even deadlier disadvantages. That has driven some people to adopt all natural organic skin care product counterparts over the non-natural ones.

The support for using natural cosmetic products is backed by several reasons. Research has determined that over 200 different toxic ingredients are used by an average woman through cosmetic and personal products they use. According to another research, manufacturers include more than 10500 industrial chemicals in cosmetic products. These chemicals can have adverse effects on the human body when they are consumed in considerable amounts.

The chemicals cause learning disabilities, reproductive problems, infertility, birth defects, and skin allergies, just to mention a few. It is advisable to use natural products because what is applied on the skin eventually ends up in the body system. Some researchers state that up to 60 percent of the substances applied on the body end up in the bloodstream. This figure is not well defined, but either way, chemicals should not be introduced into the body.

Users also consumed chemicals through their mouths through hand creams and lipsticks they apply. Powders and spray fumes are consumed through inhalation. When these substances reach various body systems, they start to cause the negative effects named above. Unborn children may be affected by some of these effects. Switching to naturally available alternative can help reduce contamination and toxicity caused by these products.

The effect of the skin care industry is not limited to the body alone, it is polluting the entire planet. Landfills are filled with thousands of bottles that contained these products. Phtalates in the products are carried into water bodies where they disrupt aquatic life. Marine environments are also disrupted by Nano-particles. These effects can be reduced by reducing consumption.

There is widespread lack of regulation in the skin care industry. The labels, ingredients, and claims made by producers are also totally deceptive to consumer. The marketers use language that is meant to attract buyers at whatever cost, even if it means telling giving them misleading information. Information regarding the presence of certain ingredients in products can be omitted in the ingredient list if the ingredients fall under trade secrets.

Using these products extensively is also associated with several medical complications and conditions. It has been proven that parabens and phthalates cause endocrine disruption. Production problems are also known to occur as a result of consumption in huge amounts. Delayed puberty and various forms of cancer are additional effects.

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