For Lasik Eye Surgery San Antonio Should Be Prioritized

By Michael Watson

LASIK is an abbreviation for laser in-situ keratomileusis. This is a very popular surgical procedure that is used for the correction of vision in people who are suffering from astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness. When in need of eye specialists with specialty in LASIK eye surgery San Antonio is the best location to check out. There are several eye clinics in San Antonio with several surgeons who offer high quality services at reasonable rates.

Today, all surgical procedures that use laser to correct vision base of the reshaping of the cornea. The cornea is corrected so that light passing through it can be focused on the retina. LASIK is among the procedures used to do the reshaping. Once the reshaping is done correctly, light is focused onto the retina properly and it is transmitted into the brain for processing.

This surgery has been done successfully on a large number of people. To increase the chances of success, candidates to undergo the process are usually chosen carefully. There are certain conditions that are put in place for people to qualify as candidates. The first condition is that the individual must be aged 18 and above. Twenty-one years is usually a requirement in several other kinds of surgeries.

The reason for candidates to be 18 years and above is that vision continues to change in people are younger than 18 years. The candidate must also not be pregnant or nursing a baby at the time of the surgery. Pregnancy or nursing a baby may change the measured refraction of the eyes. People who are taking certain prescription medicines such as oral prednisone and Accutane are also not perfect candidates.

Healthy eyes and good general health are two major requirements. If one is myopic, they cannot undergo the process. Refraction in their eyes must be stabilized first prior to surgery. There are certain medical conditions that exclude patients from being good candidates. These conditions herpes infection of eyes, include retinal disease, cataracts, glaucoma, rheumatoid, diabetes, arthritis, and lupus.

This procedure is recommendable because it has several advantages associated with it. The first advantage is that it works perfectly. More than 96 percent of all patients achieve the desired vision after surgery. Enhancements can lead to even a higher percentage than the one given above. There is no pain associated with the process since numbing drops are added into the eyes prior to surgery.

This process is very instant in producing results. Correction in vision is achieved immediately after surgery or one day afterwards. No stitches are involved and there is no need for wearing bandages. Since vision is prone to continue changing with age, adjustments can be done later to correct effects to vision caused by aging. Dependence on eyeglasses and contact lenses is often reduced a lot.

Certain disadvantages are also associated with this surgery too. To begin with, it is a technically complex process. Although rare, mistakes can occur, which may cause irreversible damage to vision. Other risks associated with the procedure include vision loss, severe night vision problems, decrease in contrast sensitivity, and severe dry eye syndrome.

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