Reasons Why Reusable Trigger Activated Heat Packs Are Useful

By Elizabeth Meyer

There are some days where a dull numbing pain just happens to plague the overly stressed body. Muscle strain does not choose who it victimizes. Sometimes moving too much or not having the right posture while exercising, can cause the muscles to be torn. One very effective way to relieve this pain is through heat therapy.

There is always the option of boiling water and then dipping a small towel in it. While this may be the most accessible way, trying to keep the warmth in can be a bit difficult. This is what makes reusable trigger activated heat packs such a great product especially in United States. It eliminates the need to constantly boil water and dipping towels just to use for the pain.

This product is starting to get more popular in other countries too. Its re usability makes it a good bargain. In comparison to other devices used for heat therapy like electric and bottle types, there is no need to constantly reheat water or use other energy sources, also it becomes the safer option by default. There is no electricity involved and materials that may be susceptible to damage by heat.

Compared to other types of heating pads like electric and bottle types. The electric ones are dangerous due to the risk of electrocution during usage. Bottle types on the other hand, have a risk of failure attributed to the type of material used and can be prone to oxidation or polymer degradation. A Trigger hot compress is the safest option in the list.

This then triggers the CaCO3 to crystallize and the energy released produces a high temperature that remains for a length of time until the chemical solidifies. Once this happens, you can just boil the pad to bring it back to its liquid or gel state. Hot packs are effective because it helps increase the flow of blood to strained and painful areas like muscles, ligaments and tendons.

The reason why this kind of therapy works is how our blood works with different ranges of temperature. The high temperature promotes faster and improved blood circulation to the different parts of the body, from the muscles to the tendons and ligaments. These parts are often easily strained due to poorly executed movement. Since blood flow is increased the nutrient distribution to these areas is more efficient, thus promoting faster healing.

High temperatures are also good when experiencing pain. This allows a competing stimulus that distracts the nerves from experiencing the greater pain that is caused by the body. This makes the hot compress on top of the womb reasonable when women experience abdominal cramps due to painful menstruations.

The best way to apply the device is not directly through contact with skin. Wrap it with a towel or cloth so that it does not have a higher chance of burning your skin. Remember not to exceed the application to more than 20 minutes on a single area unless it is recommended by the doctor. The confusion of using hot or cold compress has always been an issue so make sure that you have identified the problem first before making a decision whether to use hot or cold.

Basically this type therapy is not for inflamed injuries and open wounds. These type of injuries are best left to ice packs and cold compress. There is also a designated amount of time that you should use for application of a hot compress. Extended use in one setting may cause the skin to burn resulting in blisters.

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