The Independent Medical Practice Resources That Every Physician Needs To Consult

By Jennifer Powell

As private physicians deal with the daily occurrences in their establishments, it is hard for them to keep up with the developments taking place in the industry. Changes in regulations, updates on medication, and new guidelines can have a profound effect on their profession. However, it if a very big challenge for these physicians to get the information that they need without interfering with their schedule. Here are independent medical practice resources that the physicians can use to remain informed on the developments in the industry without having to interfere with their busy schedules.

Healthcare information technology news is a very important source of information. Using this source, you can get the latest information on health information technologies, electronic health records, mobile technologies, and telehealth. This platform allows the physicians to register to have the daily news sent directly into their email accounts on a daily basis.

Physicians can also consult the NEJM to get relevant and up to date information on the events taking place in this industry. NEJM content is free of charge and all that the physician needs to do is to subscribe so that they can receive clinical updates on the move. The physicians who subscribe to NEJM receive briefings from scientific resources, medical journals, and government when they open their inboxes to begin the day.

For those physicians who want to stay updated, consultant live is a very important source of information. This website offers the physicians with the practical solutions that they can use in the daily primary care dilemmas. It also includes various quizzes to test the diagnostic skills of the physicians and their level of IQ.

Online physician executive forums are the only resource that is available to private practitioners to improve on the leadership and management of their establishments. Members are provided with opportunities to network and they have access to articles and educational programs. You will be required to pay $100 to access all the services and to sharpen your leadership skills.

Facebook for doctors is a valuable source of information for the private doctors. Physicians can have access to news, networking opportunities, and other relevant information. They are awarded CME credits whenever they read articles from medical journals. The site allows the physicians to send and receive secure faxes from their mobile devices.

If you are a family physician and you have two minutes that you can spare each morning, then you need to subscribe for SmartBrief. This is a free source of information that provides the physicians with up-to-date news as well as trends in the healthcare industry. The information comes in compact form to allow for quick reading even when the physician has a busy schedule.

Epocrates is a valuable resource when looking for drug references. You can access the website or download the app on your phone to get instant access to medical news, clinical guidelines, and medical risk scores. The directory provided on this platform allows the private physicians to reach out to their fellow physicians in the state.

With these resources at your fingertips, you now know that you do not have to break your busy schedule to get all information on the emerging trends in the healthcare field. You can easily access them from the comfort of your office when you are not seeing patients.

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