Chief Details About Self Tan Cream

By Haywood Hunter

The self tan cream is manufactured by Sun Laboratories. The self tan cream is for full body use and after application, it dries very quickly. The tan resulting from the self tan cream lasts for about seven to ten days very prominently. One bottle generally lasts for a three to four full body applications.

The tan from self tan cream lasts for about 7 days. The lotion has moisturizing capabilities too. So, instead of a rough patchy skin, you get a soft smooth skin with a natural tan. Application on a regular basis leads to a year-long dark tan. Two to three times a week is the recommended usage frequency.

After application on the face and body, the lotion has to be allowed to dry. In the meantime, there should be no contact with water. But a good thing about the self tan cream is that it does not leave a dark stain if it comes in contact with clothes. Another plus point is the sweet cherry smell of the lotion.

Users of the self tan cream have given it far more positive reviews than negative ones. The user satisfaction quite evident from the user reviews on the Internet. The tan is non-streaky, which means that it does not leave behind dark colored streaks cutting through the pale skin. The color of the tan is a rich golden brown, unlike some which leave behind a ridiculous tinge of orange.

The lotion also beats its competitors in a major way. Unlike the other tanning lotions, it does not burn a hole through ones pockets. The bottle of the self tan cream can be purchased at about 30 $ or less.

But a fair review of any product should also point out its negative points. Though the self tan cream has very few minuses as compared to pluses, there is one aspect that should be mentioned. When the tan begins to fade, some patches and cracks can be seen on the skin. This can mainly happen when one applies a thick layer of the ultra dark lotion on their body. The trick to avoid this complication is to apply the lotion uniformly in small circular motion, so that the layer formed on the skin is thin and uniform.

The self tan cream attracts customers from another angle. The lotion has a very nice smell, the smell of cherries. This smell lingers long after application of the self tan cream throughout the body. Those wearing this lotion always feel free when interacting with their friends.

The self tan cream has managed to please its customers. And by this it has managed to stay ahead of the race. If it can keep up the quality, The self tan cream is sure to rule the market of self-tanners.The speed at which it works is commendable, within a very short period of time after applying the change can be easily noticed. The self tan cream is a combination of natural components that go through perfect testing before releasing the product to the market. For this reason customers should be comfortable when using this product.

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