Tricks To Use When Searching For Online Transcription Services

By Joshua Martin

There is only so much you can do with audio files for research, interviews or meetings, among other engagements. You need them transcribed for distribution or filing. There are numerous online transcription services involving companies and freelancers that you can hire. However, there is no guarantee for quality unless you can hire the right people. Here are tips to consider during hiring.

Check their area and level of training. Transcribers are trained on how to handle the files and software in order to produce scripts that are understandable to third parties. There are institutions that train transcribers. Others learn on the job and indicate their level of skills or the type of files they can handle.

Are the target transcribers experienced enough to deliver quality work. Experience helps the transcribers to understand accents, dialects and context. It also ensures that the transcripts are delivered in the way you desire. There are fewer chances of errors when you engage experienced transcribers. This will reduce the time it takes to complete the work. An experienced transcriber understands what quality work means and will deliver exactly that.

Get references of clients who have been served by the transcriber you wish to work with. A transcriber who has been doing quality work will not hesitate to provide the reference. From these references, you can inquire about turn-around-time, customer care and cost of services, among other elements. Customers who received quality work will recommend the service provider. Those who did not receive quality work will tell you to keep off a particular transcriber. Either way, you will have quality services.

Get a referral from friends, associates and partners in your industry. A referral comes from a person whose project has been transcribed by the target company or service provider. You are therefore sure that this is not a stranger or amateur. Other issues to discuss with the person making the referral include turn-around-time and cost. Inquire whether the person is willing to make corrections when asked to. This is the shortest route towards getting quality services because they are always tested.

Does the freelancer or company have the capacity to deliver on your project? Capacity is determined by possession of proper equipment like laptop or computer, applications and personnel who are skilled. The transcribers must also commit time to deliver within expected duration. Language and ability to handle multiple conversations also forms part of capacity.

How much will it cost to complete the project? Different projects cost varying amounts depending on individual features. Such features are number of speakers, audio hours involved and language or accent, among others. There are companies that offer discounts to regular customers or those with bulk work. A customized package is the way to go because it ensures that you get value for money.

Read reviews of transcription services available online. Reviews are experiences of clients who have worked with the companies or freelancers. The security of your files must also be guaranteed. You should be guaranteed quality work by the transcribers that is delivered on time. It takes experience to deliver the best quality work.

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