Talking About The Wonderful Architecture On Christian Churches

By Lisa Myers

They are something to behold, are they not? It is not every day that you would have something to stare at so beautifully. They also mean a lot to so many people, whether it is the religious side of things or those with sentimental thoughts on a place. Who knows what the building things about it too if it was sentient. There is beauty in Christian Churches Henderson NV.

Though we cannot really say that we have been big fans on the architecture itself. We more likely will gravitate towards all the history and story that comes from it. About who made the whole thing and what transpired behind it. Was there a war or a conflict that happened in between the building?

What about all the things it has seen through all these years that it stood? Are there really spirits that reside in it or is that just a dumb and silly thing to think about and tell the kids? Either way, we are always curious about history.

Not to say that it did not really exist at the time but you got to admit that they are not really as impressive compared to the technology we have now. Especially when we use it almost all the time to get us from day to day. And then use it for luxury and leisure and pleasure.

About the ignorance of the people of that time when they still have no idea that what they are struggling against have already been resolved in our era. It kind of seems like we want to gloat towards all these old and possibly dead people but that is far from the case.

Well, we guess it would make sense for it to still be standing even with physics as its enemy. The whole reason it still was standing was sole because of black magic. Speaking of black magic, is that the reason why most of the buildings from back then were made?

This thing we have right now, this abundance of technology will be known as the golden age in a future of destroyed technology and no internet. The people in the future will refer to it as such when they talk about all the decaying technology that no longer work.

At least we now have a name for a tactical maneuver when somehow we find ourselves a commanding general of war in the near future. That, we learned from an oversimplified video of the second world war by the way. Do you think their churches at the time withstood all that bombing?

If they actually did and are surviving up to this day, then we hope we could find a way to make a building talk. Because we REALLY want to know about what happened during the forties and how they did things their way. It could be a really good learning experience, you know? Do we certainly like the fact that we now have a secret tactic when there IS a war?

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