What You Should Know Before Getting Permanent Eyeliner

By Jennifer Nelson

If you are thinking about getting your makeup to be permanently done, you can do this by getting help from the experts. You may be one of those people who hate applying their makeup every time they want to step out. Also, if you want to spend less time applying beautifiers, having them permanently applied to you can be of great help. Also, with permanent eyeliner, you will achieve the perfect cat eye you have wished to have. Whatever the reasons you have, below are a few things you should know before getting tattooed makeup.

Firstly, you should understand that the procedure should be referred to as semi-permanent because it is not as long lasting as you may think. Although people consider the procedure to be long-lasting, the ink/color, and visibility fades eventually. The pigment is the only thing that lasts forever. The process is also called tattooed makeup because the procedure used is similar to general body tattooing.

Another thing that you ought to know is that if you have acne and you are using medication for the same, you should be very cautious. You should, therefore, be keen on the types of inks used, the technique and the preparation steps for the application of the makeup. Also, you should stop taking some medication like aspirin to minimize any potential bleeding.

If you have lash extensions, you must remove them at least three to five days before the procedure for safety purposes. If you remove the lash extensions too close to the cosmetic ink application, some glue may be left behind on your lash line. This could interfere with the ink. You can, however, reapply the extensions after the liner has healed.

Contact lens should also be removed before you go for the procedure. Therefore, make sure you remove them before you visit the expert. After the tattooing, the eyes become swollen and tender. Therefore, clients should wait for a few days for the eyes to go back to normal before they put their contacts lenses back on. Thus, be prepared not to put on the lens after the procedure.

This procedure is mainly of two types. The first one is normally done by adding the cosmetic ink between the layers of your eyelashes. This makes the eyelashes to darken. The eyeliner, therefore, looks thinner and very natural. On the other hand, the normal procedure involves a thicker ink application that is slightly above the lash line.

The length of the procedure depends on how thick the clients want it to be. If the client requests for the traditional application, the process can take as little as one hour. However, if the client wants a cat eye or wing, it will take longer to perform the procedure.

Usually, a numbing cream is used to make the skin numb before the application of cosmetic ink. Therefore, clients will feel no pain when they are being tattooed. However, pain tolerance is different for everyone. Thus, there are clients who will feel slightly uncomfortable while others will feel a lot of pain.

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