Strategies Like Head Position In Sleep Apnea That You Can Use To Relieve The Symptoms Of Sleep Disorder

By Joseph Meyer

Estimates show that there are approximately 20 million Americans with sleep apnea. The condition usually affects an individual during the nap hours and causes them to pause while breathing or to even miss their breaths for a few minutes or seconds. You might probably be one of those individuals suffering from this condition or maybe someone that you love could be suffering from this problem. The question that arises during such cases is whether there is a solution that can alleviate the symptoms of the condition. Here are some of the solutions to relieving the sleep apnea symptoms including Head position in Sleep Apnea.

The starting point in dealing with this problem is a lifestyle adjustment. You need to adjust your lifestyle to ensure that you do not consume those relaxing stuffs including sedatives, tobacco, or alcohol when you are about to go to bed. For those people who cannot do without these substances, it is recommended that you should consume them a couple of hours before getting into bed.

The other method that you can use to deal with this condition is to take that most important decision to reduce your body weight. People suffering from this disease are required to shed off a few kilograms of their weight. If you have been diagnosed with this condition you can significantly improve the quality of your nap if you follow this advice.

If you are suffering from apnea, you need to exhibit consistency in your nap pattern by ensuring that you go to bed at exactly the same time every day. Such consistency will play a critical role in enhancing the quality of your resting time while at the same time smoothing up your natural nap pattern.

You can also alleviate the symptoms opening up your nasal passages. This can be achieved through the use of substances such as nasal sprays and dilators before you rest. The above remedies should help you to relieve the symptoms and if they fail you should consider seeking medical attention.

If you have been diagnosed with this condition, you can alleviate the symptoms if you raise the upper part of your bed by 4 to 6 inches. There is a special pillow that is effective in relieving these symptoms as it allows your nasal passage to remain open all through the night as you nap. You can significantly improve on your nap quality through the adoption of such plans.

In some instances, you need to go beyond the lifestyle change and pursue the various options for the treatment of this condition. Most of the physicians recommend the placement of the continuous positive air pressure mask on the face for the distribution of air pressure in the nasal opening. This treatment option works by pushing air into the lungs thereby reducing the chances of experiencing pauses in breathing during nap.

The failure of lifestyle adjustments and treatment modalities leaves you with no other option but to go for surgery to increase the air opening. However, before you make the final decision to undergo surgery, it is imperative that you should deliberate on its pros and cons. Your physician can provide you with more information on this procedure and it is necessary for you to consult him.

The failure to alleviate the symptoms of sleep apnea could result in other health conditions. Proper treatment of this condition is important not only in getting better quality nap but also in maintain good health.

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